Interrogation gone crazy

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He looks at me like I've offended him, which is an odd expression to see on the Dark Knight's face. Bruce growls "So, you know everything that has happened and everything that will happen and everything that ever will, but YOU WON'T TELL ME!!!!!!" I remind "Unless it is a contingency error or pointless to let happen, no!" I quickly ask "Is there a hero called B'Wanna Beast yet?" He's in slow motion. I slow down with a little focus and then repeat myself. He nods tentatively. I ask "Is he dating Vixen?" He nods again with a confused and questioning look in his eye. I ignore that and bark "Bring me Superman and a taser!" to Flash who I just knew was on the other side of the door. I yell after Batman who is rushing down the hall "Don't tell him anything!"

Seconds later Flash speeds in with a heavy-duty taser. He tosses it to me and asks "Why?" "Alien Invasion." I respond quickly. Batman runs in with Superman on his heels. Clark asks "What's the emergency?" I mutter "You are..." knowing fully well that he could hear me crystal clear anyway. Then Barry and I speed up. I order "Close the door" He does so, but responds "Superman is hardly an alien invasion." I sternly reply "He's harboring aliens unknowingly, and they are a threat to humanity." We slow down and I say "Bats! Your Kryptonite!" I am amazed at how quickly he follows my lead. I would expect him to question me more.

I take a cautious step towards Superman who is pale and sweating on the floor of the interrogation room. Then I grab his super suit at the collar ripping it to expose his chest, with a large, purple, mind-controlling Starro wrapped around. While I aim the taser faster than a normal human could, I hear Barry's gasp behind me. It wants until after I'd already pulled the trigger that I realized I was speeding (Barry's word for using our powers for anything other than running or phasing). The needles were about to puncture the massive eye on the creature when I finally noticed the look of surprise on Batman's face. He looked truly afraid. Maybe that's why he has to know everything. He's afraid of the unknown... My thoughts were interrupted by a flash of light and a heavy arching electricity sound. The dangerous lightning courses down the wires in slow motion flowing beautifully down to the needles in the creature. The beautifully dangerous electricity versus the beautifully dangerous Starro.

However, I was over whelmed with the need to know whether or not it worked so I slow down back to the regular speed. Bidding farewell to the light show and hello to chaos. Superman's screaming, Flash is freaking out, and Batman is standing very still and calmly.The Starro is fried, as expected, but it smells horrible. I turn to Batman, my super-speeded mind working out a plan for me, I lead saying "There are more in the Fortress of Solitude. We need Fire, I've, Static Shock, Captian Marvel, Red Tornado and anyone else who can burn or electrocute these things. Grab your electric-brass knuckles and let's go. He just stood there staring at Superman who was still groaning on the floor so I tell "Put away the Kryptonite and get moving slowpoke!" Then I glance quickly at Superman, taking pity and adding, "Somebody get him to the infirmary." aimmed at the surrounding crowd.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another update from your friendly neighborhood Writer!

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