The Question

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"Shit." I thought while dashing home five hours later, "I didn't stop and talk to Question today." So I turned around a hit the zeta tube again. Dashing to the elevator I avoiding conversations with anyone, knowing that I don't have the time. I pulled the caution tape away from the door and walked in. "So Q, have you heard of me yet?" I said offhandedly. "Of course I have," he muttered not looking up from his computer, "The question is, what do you know? I hacked Batman's files and I know that you say you know what will happen in this universe, but do you really?"

"Well, I know simple things that are dangerous here like the alias of every Justice League member and their backstories as well as more personal things, like the massive crush you have on Huntress and that you've only donned a mask of Psuedoderm because you are the famous investigative reporter Vic Sage, but that's just a pen name, your real first name is Charles." I pointed out and he froze for a second before turning in his swivel chair and saying, "I like you, but those are simple things to simply know. Tell me something you've deduced." I whisper, "I know that Speedy does drugs behind Green Arrow's back and I knew that before it was revealed by Green Lantern." "R-really?" He stutters, "I always had a hunch, but I could never prove it without sneaking into his house. How'd you do it?"

"I accused and watched the little archer flinch" I teased. "Alright. You got me. I should have known to bait him." He said surrendering. He walks across the room dodging the plethora of strings that were up connecting one piece of information to another. Reaching his hand behind a filing cabinet he pulled out a manilla folder and handed it to me. I curiously opened it to see an entire false life laid out for me. The driver's license in the front read, "Jessica Allen". "You're now Flash's first cousin. Giving you the perfect way to get a job at his precinct." Question explained. "Aww. Thanks Q! I'll have to take you out sometime and drop you a few helpful hints." I said playfully flirting while hugging the faceless man around the neck. "Really?" He asked, "I didn't think you'd... um..... I'd love to!" He tripped over his own words. I walked for the door. "Hey Q?" His head popped up from the computer. "One word. Cadmus." He nodded eagerly and went back to work with a new determination.

Dashing off I literally ran into Martian Manhunter. "Shit!" I cursed while helping him up. "It would be wise of you to look where you are going." He stated stoically before turning to leave. "Wait!" I got his attention, "Do you know where Flash is right now?" "I believe that he is doing tornado disaster relief in Topeka right now." He said in the same tone of voice. "Aww..." I moaned. I quickly perk back up, hurriedly asking, "Do you have any missions for me?!?!" "Excuse me?" Manhunter questioned with a slight tilt of his head that made him look like a confused puppy. I pull my new honorary League ID card out of my pockets and say, "Batman said that I can take some missions with the league if there is a surplus or a crisis." (Okay, maybe he didn't, but I know the honorary member rules, so whatever. I'm sure Bats won't get too mad.) He rolled his eyes and uttered, "Yes. We got a tip that Count Vertigo will be robbing a Gotham City museum in an hour. Flash was supposed to take it, but he has his hands full and I was just about to go ask Huntress, but you could go and stop him, right?" "Sure!" I say enthusiastically, despite being truly terrified of the count. I thank Manhunter and hit the zeta tubes to Gotham.

I remember either Batman or Robin having once said something about, "Not liking "capes" in Gotham" but I shrug it off thinking that they ought to do a better job of keeping supervillian's out, Vertigo is the Flash Family's jurisdiction, even if that's just Barry and Jay right now. Since walking around with literally every detail about your civilian life in your jacket is just about the quickest way to get your cover blown, I stashed my new found identity in a secluded spot that I knew would one day become one of Jason Todd's secret weapon caches.

With that taken care of, I zipped off towards Gotham's museum, running faster than I have before to make sure I can show up on a camera, but I won't be seen by a villain. Sirens permeate the nighttime peace; each one ringing out from the museum. I guess I shouldn't have spent so much time trying to find the exact back alleyway where Jase's cache was, um... will be. Oh well. I zoom into the museum entrance and think, "Looks like I've got a chance to work my witty banter." "Hey Vertigo! You wanna Verti-go to jail now?" I joked, expecting some sort of joking back, however it appears that I forgot who I was dealing with. Vertigo never jokes and he hates those who do. I pale for a second realizing what a truly horrible mistake I've made. I speed to the wall narrowly dodging his blasts that I know would knock me to the ground and make my head spin.

"Alright you Vlatvian freak!!!" I shout taking a different approach, "Put down whatever the hell you're stealing and put your hands over your head!" "Heh. I must say Flash, you look better with cleavage." He lustfully flirts in the most disturbing way possible, licking his lips. I lose it. "I'm Jessie Quick you Perverted PIECE OF SHIT!!!" I roar before charging and leaping into the air at him, teeth beared and tazer in my knocked-back fist. I'm so angry, imagining how far his staff is going up his ass when I lay my hands on him, I don't notice him raise it at me. "Oh shit..." I think as my mind is assaulted with a shrieking pulse. I clasp my hands around my ears, dropping the tazer. I crash into the ground, taking a knee and doubling over in pain as I palm my comm-link from my ear. I hear him yell, "Mind your temper!" over the noise, but I brush it off and focus on my limp-turning limbs. Sliding my hand across the lip of my boot I safely drop the comm inside before succumbing to the darkness that was clouding my vision. The nauseating ringing the last thing to slip from my mind.

Well, my dear readers, that's a cliffhanger if ever I wrote one. What does Vertigo want? What will he do to get it? Leave your guesses as comments and don't forget to vote. I'll see you next weekend with a new chapter!
                  -Your friendly neighborhood writer

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