𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒊𝒂

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YouTube video up there👆

"Maybe I present his royal highness Prince Merlinian!" Dimitri bowed down to Merlin. Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Merlinian?" A tiny voice laughed. The group didn't know it, but there was a tiny white bat watching them. A bat who used to work for Gregory Salmia before he drowned on that night. This small white bag also had the magic tube that keeps Gregory's magic alive for years and years. "Yea just one problem there fella. Merlinian is dead. All the Nikolaevna's are dead! They're dead. Dead dead dead."

The magic tube awoke upon seeing the lost prince after years and years of its purpose wanting to kill the Nikolaevna's! It started glowing green smoke demons out of it.

"Am I right my friend, I mean how could that be... AHHHH." The tiny white bat screamed because he wasn't used to seeing green smoke demons coming out of the tube, well to be fair he wasn't used to anything coming out of the tube. "Oh come on! Am I supposed to believe that thing woke up after all these years just because some guy claims he's a Nikolaevna!" More green smoke started coming out of the tube. "Ok ok I get the message enough with the glowing and the smoke people!" He takes one more look at the tube and then realizes something. "If that thing has come back to life. It must mean Merlinian's alive, and that's him!"

The tube started to rise up and wrap around the tiny bats leg. Then it proceeds to fly down through the ground going past all the different layers of earth until finally it comes to its destination. It slams the tiny bat onto a rock.

"Oh boy, Ow! I'll tell you what Ow." The bat says rubbing his nose.

"Who dares intrude on my solitude!" A raspy but strong voice shouts. A man comes around the corner and spots the bat. He comes up to it and starts squeezing the poor creature until he's choking. Then he realizes it was his old servant.

"Bartok? Is that you?" The man says. Well you can probably guess who it was. Gregory Salmia has been stuck in this place ever since he drowned.

"Master? You're alive?" The bat looks up at Gregory with wide eyes.

"Yea, in a manner of speaking." The dead man grumbled. His eye popped right out of his head when he growled.

"Woah. That fell right out there, sir." Bartok the bat gave Gregory his eye back.

"Ughhh SOMETHINGS HAPPENED!" He screeched and punched the skull walls.

"Yeah." The bat agreed

"I knew it! I could feel the dark forces stirring!" Gregory walked around throwing his hands in the air.

"I'm no surprised because I saw him sir. Merlinian, well he goes by Merlin now. He also has no memory." The bat explained happily.

"Merlinian! ALIVE!" Gregory said, but he mouth falls right down his beard so the only thing that was left was the mouth socket.

"Sir uh your lips." The bat tried to tell his master who was no listening.

"That Nikolaevna BRAT!"

"Yea ain't that the kick in the head sir. I guess a curse just ain't what it used to be, huh, sir?" The bat mumbled on putting Gregory's mouth back it's rightful place.

"That's why I'm stuck here in limbo!" Gregory said moving again. "My curse is unfulfilled!" He groans throwing his hand across the room. Then he he starts to cry dramatically at his hand limb. "Look at me! Im falling apart!" He cries and moans throwing himself on a near by rock/skull table." Im a wreck!"

"Actually considering how long you've been dead, you look pretty good." That bat said to his master. "You do you do!"


"Sir is this a face of a bat who would lie to you?" Bartok makes a cute face with puppy eyes. "Come on for a minute there you had your old spark back!"

"If only I hadn't lost the gift from the dark forces... They key to my powers!"

"What you mean this reliquary?" Bartok showed the magic tube.

"Where did you get that!" Gregory gasped.

"Oh I found it-" Bartok started to say until he was cut off.

"Give it to me!" Gregory dove and grabbed the precious tube.

"Alright alright. Don't be so grabby." Bartok sighed

"My old friend together again!" Gregory laughed kissing the magic tube. "No my dark purpose can be fulfilled and the last of the Nikolaevna's WILL DIEE!"

In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning
And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be
It scared me out of my wits
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
And the nightmare was, me

Gregory's body began to fall apart and then it quickly went back together.

I was once the most mystical man in all Navarre
When the royals betrayed me they mad a mistake
My curse made each of them pay
But one little boy got away
Little Merlin, beware
Gregory's awake

In the dark of the night evil will find him
In the dark of the night just before dawn!
Revenge will be sweet
When the curse is complete
In the dark of the night
He'll be gone

I can feel that my powers are slowly returning
Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell
As the Pieces fall into place
I'll see him crawl into place
Do Svidaniya, Merlin, Your Highness

In the dark of the night terror will strike him!
Terror's the least I can do!
In the dark of the night evil will brew.
Soon he will feel that his nightmares are real.
In the dark of the night
He'll be through!

In the dark of the night
Evil will find him
Find him!
In the dark of the night terror comes true.
Doom him!
My dear, here's a sign
It's the end of the line
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night

Come my minions
Rise for your master
Let your evil shine
Find him now
Yes, fly ever faster
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
He'll be mine!

"Kill that Nikolaevna brat and anyone who gets in your way!" Gregory shouted at the now very large green smoke demons.

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