Chapter 4

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Lena woke up, sunlight streaming softly through the gap in her curtains. Sleepily, she took a deep breath, inhaling Kara. Lena could feel the warmth radiating from her. Lena was laying on her back, Kara tucked in at her side, her head resting on the brunette's chest. Lena placed a soft kiss in golden hair. Kara sighed at the gentle touch. She burrowed into Lena's neck, wanting to stay like this forever.

"Morning princess." Kara's words were sleepy. She pulled away from Lena just enough so she could tilt her head and see the gorgeous ocean of green staring down at her.

"Good morning darling." Lena's words were quiet, trying not to break the serenity surrounding them. She hooked a finger under Kara's chin, and leaned in slowly, placing a soft, loving kiss to the heroine's lips.

They laid in bed like that for a while, until Kara's stomach growled. The blonde's cheeks pinked at the unexpected noise.

Lena let out a small chuckle. "How about breakfast sweetheart?"

"Well I wasn't going to say anything, but now that you mention it..." Kara trailed off. A cute smile formed on her lips. "How about I go get us something? Donuts maybe?"

"That sounds wonderful Kara. Just don't be gone from me too long okay?" Lena couldn't stop smiling. She knew she looked like an idiot but she didn't care in the slightest. Being with Kara, simply laying with her and talking to her, it was like everything else in the world clicked into place.

"I'll hurry." Kara said. She placed a chaste kiss to Lena's lips and got out of bed.

Lena watched as Kara's muscles flexed under smooth skin as she skillfully put her super suit back on. She was entranced by Kara's sleek arms sliding into the suits sleeves, the tight fit showing her strength, even under the fabric. Lena watched as the shirt hugged Kara's well toned abdomen, the sigil of the House of El now showing prominently. Lena licked her lips as Kara pulled her skirt on, watching the golden band slide higher, from her well-toned calves, to her beautiful, strong thighs, all the way up to her waist.

Kara moved slowly getting dressed, hearing Lena's steady, yet slightly quickened, heartbeat, telling her that her girlfriend was watching her every movement. Kara tucked her boots and tights into their hidden pockets on the underside of her cape.

Lena's breath stuttered softly as Kara fastened the clasps of her cape to her shoulders. She still couldn't believe that this kind, staggering, beautiful heroine was with her. Lena promised herself long ago, that she would be someone worthy of this blessing, but when she saw Kara like this, that seemed an impossible task for even the noblest of people.

Kara tucked the bottom corners of her cape up near the claps on her shoulders. She had gotten used to the routine of dressing to hide her suit, but Lena's eyes on her made her feel the same as it had the first time she wore her suit, after James gave her the cape made from Kal-El's baby blanket. She felt powerful. Like she was finally complete. Lately, she felt that way every time she was around Lena. Kara smiled as she put her clothes on over her suit. She had gotten in the habit of keeping clothes at Lena's since she came by so often after her night patrols and needed them for work the next day.

Kara decided she had strung this out long enough. She was delaying food after all. She pulled her hair up into a relaxed ponytail and slipped on her glasses. She turned back to her girlfriend, expecting to see lust in Lena's eyes. But she found stopped Kara in her tracks.

Lena's eyes were softer than Kara had ever seen them. They were brimming with happiness and overcome with love. She and Lena had yet to say it aloud, but that was all Kara saw. Love. Lena's eyes were sparkling. A sea of green, shining in the sunlight.

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