Chapter 10 - An Interesting Friend

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Gabriel took in the marvelous sight as they approached the gate.

The towering main building - shaped like the blade of a sword stuck up into the sky - was ringed by a curtain wall half a kilometer high. The structure seemed built around what looked to Gabriel like an orbital cannon. He could see a colossal barrel peeking out above the building. The tremendous THUMP he heard as the weapon discharged shortly after proved him right.

The massive doors swung open as they neared, turrets placed along the wall turned to face them. So many turrets, Gabriel thought. They crossed the entrance into a large field. Open areas were ringed by red lines around the grounds. A tough-looking obstacle course took up a fourth of the outdoor zone. From inside, the main building seemed to grow, accentuating its proportions as they neared the second set of doors.

They entered what looked to be a hotel lobby, complete with luggage carts and everything. Zero strolled up to the machine at the desk. "003 here for my usual room." He sent his credentials via wrist-pad and pointed back at Gabriel with his thumb. "The kid's new; he's gonna need the whole spiel if you don't mind. Get him a room too, he's boarding here."

The machine started calculating, and Zero walked closer to Gabriel. "I'll be seeing you later, Gabriel. It was a pleasure to meet you. Enjoy your tour."

Gabriel shook the Hero's hand and nodded. "Thank you for stopping Lucian. You saved us in there."

Zero waved it off as he started towards the elevator. "Just doing my job, kid. It's you who had the guts to stand up to the guy on such uneven footing. Plus, I have a feeling you'll be watching my back in the field soon enough. See you later." He winked.

The elevator doors closed behind Zero's small frame, and Gabriel turned to the receptionist, surprised to see him gone, replaced by an automated droid. The little robot was rectangular, its body tapering slightly from the bottom with a thick wheel at its base. It had a single lens on its "face" and two small silver arms with pincered hands. Must be the tour guide.

Sure enough, the Bot began its programmed introduction. "Welcome Gabriel to the Sentinel Headquarters - more commonly referred to as the spire." It said in a pleasing yet monotone voice. "Before we begin, please select your experience; Please select Civilian or Sentinel."

"Sentinel," Gabriel whispered, scarcely able to believe he could refer to himself as such.

The Tour Bot beeped, then continued. "Very well, please leave your belongings on the counter and follow me. I assure you they will be kept safe and taken to your private room."

It started rolling towards the door of the dormitory. "Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, Sentinel."

Gabriel thought of what to ask, if anything when vibration in the floor chose his question for him. "Why is this building built around an orbital cannon?" He queried.

The machine responded almost immediately. "The orbital cannon is one of five left under the control of the Sentinels. These are the main weapons employed against the Blitz. The rounds from the gun are enough to force the aliens to change location when fired. We use it to force them away from targets they are striking from low orbit.

The machine's honesty pleased Gabriel, who had become used to secrets within secrets surrounding his every move. "Please continue with the tour." He said when he noticed the robot had stopped as if waiting for another question.

The robot lead him out the door and onto the single circular track that ran the length of the wall. "Every structure in the Spire is made of reinforced heat-ablative polymer. The wall is 760 meters high and 200 meters thick at its base. It has been used to repel Blitz attacks more than once and has held every time."

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