Dragon Tamer? More Like Dragon Dad

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First published on December 18th, 2023

Point of View: Rain

Notes: This is supposed to come later in the timeline, in season 3, but my brain demands me to write this so I guess we are here now-

I woke up with a start. It was dark, the crescent moon shined coldly down at the snowy taiga forest between the trees. Ciara was on night watch beside the fire while Kane was dozing off beside the workstation. I shifted my position to sit up against the tree and heard Stella stir beside me. We were a few days away from Frostbourne territory, as evidenced by the thinning spruce trees and the increasingly mountainous terrain. I tried not to think about how everyone will react upon our return, with Stella being a hellhound and me having Ceris's great sword and everything. I couldn't help but glance in the direction of the young mage. Despite what she told me, I still felt like I was responsible for what happened to her. 

I looked around and realized that I don't know what woke me up. After a few seconds of confusion, I heard something from the backpack beside me. There's faint scratching noises coming from it. This can't be good...

As discreetly as I can, I pulled the pack onto my lap and opened it. I gulped nervously as I peered into the bag. With the faint glow from the fire I can vaguely make out that it was half filled with clothes, but it should be filled to the brim with the Ender dragon egg underneath them. This is not good... In the darkness of my backpack, my eyes caught tiny movements under one of my shirts. Before I could process what was happening, a pair of magenta eyes stared back at me from inside my pack.

I sat there, frozen with shock. The thing crawled out from the pile of clothes and yawned. It looked like a small...black...lizard. Wait. My jaw dropped as everything clicked in my head. The dragon egg had hatched. That's a baby dragon. There's a baby dragon in my backpack.  It stretched and gazed at me with its magenta eyes. Wanting to take a better look at the small dragon, I gingerly reached into the pack. Please don't bite me please don't bite me- The baby dragon curiously sniffed my hand. I tentatively scratched its chin. It purred joyously and closed its eyes. You have no right being this cute right now. I chuckled to myself. It made a little happy, squeaky bark as I picked it up and lifted it out of the bag.

The baby dragon was about the size of a cat. I was in disbelieve that this little thing is going to grow into the enormous beast that is the Ender Dragon. It chirped and wiggled in my hands, trying to reach my face. It made such high pitched noises that I didn't think it would be capable to make. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Ciara glancing back at us from the campfire. To quiet the small dragon, I decided to give it what it wants. I held it close to my face, and it immediately started licking me with such enthusiasm that I couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Hmm...what's going on?" Stella murmured sleepily beside me.

"Uhhh..." I glanced at the tiny creature in my arms. It perked up at the sight of Stella and chirped with joy. 

Stella immediately went from sleepy to wide awake. "Aww. It's so cute! Can I hold it please please?" The baby dragon stretched its neck to sniff Stella's hands. I slowly opened my arms and let the baby dragon crawl into Stella's arms. The tiny creature buried its face into her neck and started to purr. 

"Awww. You are so cute! Aren't you, you little cutie pie? What do you plan on naming her?" she asked me.

I recalled Ceris telling me at some point that all Ender Dragons are female. I blurted out the first name that came to mind, "Iris."

"That sounds like a great name! Right?" she asked the little dragon in her arms. She received a squeak as a response. I reached out to pet the little dragon. Iris nuzzled my hand, I could feel the rumble in her throat as she purred contently. 

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