Update (04/21/2022)

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Hello everyone. It's been a few months since we've talked. And I have a...pretty big announcement:

I am putting this book on hiatus. 

I'm doing this for a few reasons:
1. It's been a very hectic few months in real life. I have AP exams in May and finals are in June so until the end of June I wouldn't be able to make much progress until then. So I feel like putting this book on hiatus is appropriate.  

2. There has been a lack of new information regarding the Rainimator timeline since the release of Gotta Get Outta Here in March. I haven't came up with anything new to continue the section of my au that is currently published. BUT- I have been working on other sections of this au, mainly from the very beginning of the story. 

Up to this point, I have ironed out most of the wrinkles regarding to the events of the first book of my au, which...does not have a set date of publication as of now. As an artist, I plan to design the cover of the book, as well as add small illustrations of scenes into the book. So this book might take awhile to even start releasing. But, I feel that the story is complete enough for the writing part to start, which would take my attention away from this book. (I am bad at multitasking okay don't judge me-)

3. Inhales ...how do I break this news without sounding like a complete dork- 

To put it simply, I have found a new fandom to hyper-focus on and obsess over- Ninjago. I know, choosing one set of block people over another, how dare I do this-

I found the writing of this series to be intriguing and want to incorporate elements of their writing styles into my own. And yes I do plan on writing something with those very lovable characters of theirs. 

At the end of the day, I am not abandoning this book. This book served as my brain dump for many little bits of my au while I was working things out, looks to the 15+ draft chapters that has not been released, none of these chapters are polished enough to publish in my opinion. I WILL NOT BE ARCHIVING THIS BOOK. This was my very first attempt at writing a story, and all your positive feedbacks had been very encouraging. I mean look at this little book, already more than 3k views and I wasn't even planning to write full-on books when I started. 

Seriously, thank you for everything. I will return with more exciting stories. Until then, I will say goodbye. 

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