Never Sleep Again

158 7 4

First written on April 12th, 2021

WARNING: Blood, gore and death ahead, feel free to skip ahead if you can't handle it

Time: The night after that cameo scene of the Endstone Crusaders in CAIR

Point of View: Rain

My steps clacked and echoed in my ears as I tread on the crimson nether bricks down a hallway and into an open courtyard. I know what I will find at the end of the courtyard, for I know this scene way too well. I glanced down and realized that I'm only wearing my hoodie, as per usual.

I look towards the other side of the courtyard and there she is. Abigail, or I should call the Nether Princess since she has horns, is standing with her back to me. I noticed that she does not have the Ruby Thorn with her. That rung a bell in my head. Something's not right, that's not how this nightmare usually plays out. I gripped my iron sword tighter, prepared for the attack and the inevitable death of my love at my hands.

Abigail whipped around to face me. There's a feral glint in her eyes that alarmed me. This is not the same nightmare that haunted me since my return from the Nether. This is different.

In a flash of orange, she charged at me with alarming speed and swiped her claws at my face. Panic and adrenaline filled my body as I narrowly dodged and attempted to block her attacks with my sword. It didn't work.

She punched me squarely in the ribs and sent me flying. I landed on the nether brick floor, heard the sound of the impact but didn't feel anything thanks to all that adrenaline. That is a good thing because the next thing I know, Abigail is in the air, having pounced like a cat.

I barely reacted fast enough to get out of the way before she landed where I was. Her attacks are way too fast for me. Before I knew it she's charging at me again. There's not enough time to react, I squeezed my eyes shut and swung my sword at her face with all of my strength.

Surprising, I felt it connect, felt it slash through her flesh. And then there's silence.

I opened my eyes, but instead of the typical image of my girlfriend's crumpled corpse bleeding out onto the nether bricks, I see a decapitated Stella laying on the ground, her blood staining the snow bright red.

Stunned, I glance down at my hands. Right there in my hands is the Ender Greatsword, still dripping with blood, Stella's blood.

In shock, I dropped the sword and took a step back. I'm panicking, and my hands are shaking. This is not happening. This isn't real. This can't be real.

"Well, well, well, look what you've done." I knew that voice way too well.

I whipped around to face Abigail. She's bloody and covered in soot, the wound on her neck still bleeding out, her eyes looking lifeless. She looks like a zombie.

I struggled to control the panic in my voice. "What did you do?"

"Oh I didn't do anything. It was all you. Don't you see?" She took a few steps towards me and put her hand on my shoulder. Her hand was ice cold, but I didn't flinch. "You are the murder here. You can't hide from what you've done."

I swatted her hand away. "Don't rope me with you. You turned your back on humanity. You betrayed everyone."

"At least I don't go on a murdering spree when I felt like it. Look at you, you promised to bring Stella back safely. What did you do? You made her lose her humanity." Abigail sneered.

"I promised to bring her back in one piece, and that's what I will do. I will achieve what I promised to do." I replied sternly, hoping she can't hear the truth inside my head.

"Looks like you forgot a certain someone." A voice from my left sent chills down my spine. My heart sank. Please, no. Please, not him.

Slowly, I looked to my left. Upon seeing him, a fresh wave of guilt consumed my heart. This was someone way too familiar, someone that I desperately wanted to forget over the past five years.

Kai, my brother, who was killed during Herobrine's attack on our hometown all those years ago. He doesn't look a day older than the day I lost him. His right arm says otherwise though. It's completely covered in burn scars, some areas scorched black. The sight of him brought the sound of that damned creeper explosion inside my head once again.

"You promised Mom we will look out for each other. You promised. And then you went ahead and let me die." Kai snarled. He towered over me despite me being 5 ft 8.

I felt like I'm 15 again, watching him being thrown against a house by Herobrine, and then an explosion ensued. I couldn't see a thing as Herobrine was in the way. I remembered searching high and low around the charred village the next day, but I couldn't find his body. He must have died by that creeper, blown into bits that I couldn't put back together.

My nightmares knew how to torment me. Kai was the last straw.

I choked on my words, tears welling up despite my best efforts. "I tried, Kai. I really tried. I'm sorry."

Kai stared coldly at me before punching me in the jaws. I staggered back, coughing. He seized my collar with his left hand and made me look at him.

"Sorry isn't going to bring people back from the dead." he muttered in a low voice.

I felt my heart shatter. All along, Kai is the only one who cared the most about me. He's the one who encouraged me whenever I felt down. Hearing him say that pains me immensely.

Kai threw me down onto the ground and kicked me. I quickly rolled onto my elbows before he can step on my chest.

I struggled to get away, and reached for the Ender sword. However, someone else picked it up before me. I looked up and felt my blood turn into ice.

It's Ceris, her neck held together by messy bloody stitches and still oozing dark red blood, holding the Ender sword high above my head.

"We never should have chosen you." She said coldly before bringing the sword down on me.

I felt the blade go through my neck. The sound of it tearing through my muscle, the sound of my spine breaking, all so loud and clear in my ears. The same sounds I heard when Ceris was executed in that vision. The sounds that I can not get out of my head no matter how hard I try.

I gasped and sit up. I'm back in reality, very badly scared and drenched in sweat, but back in reality.

Panting, I looked around to see if I woke anyone up. Luckily, Stella and Ciara are sleeping far enough away to not be disturbed. Kane just shot me a quizzical look, but said nothing like always.

I sighed in relief, but what Abigail and Kai said still stung in my chest. I glanced at Stella, who is sleeping soundly next to a snoring Ciara. Abigail was right about something. I did make her lose her humanity. I did almost kill her at the base of the cliff. She's not safe around me.

The very thought of Stella dying at my hands made my stomach heave. Silently, I swore to myself that I will stay away from her until she's safely behind the walls of Dreadfort. And on another note, I don't plan on ever sleeping again.

Author's Notes (April 12th, 2021):
It sucks for Rain because Kai is very much alive and well at this moment.

New A/N (January 21st, 2022):
I accidentally predicted canon story with Clear Skies???? HEH????

New A/N (January 21st, 2022):I accidentally predicted canon story with Clear Skies???? HEH????

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(Art by me. Do not steal.)

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