
580 15 10

First published on November 7th, 2021

Point of View: Stella

Running, running, and more running.

Every step felt like stepping on red hot coal even though snow has long disappeared from under my paws. It felt like my legs could gave out under me at any second.

With my sides heaving and my tongue hanging out of my jaws, I stopped under the shade of a spruce tree.

I've been running for my life after my encounter with Ciara. I still can't believe my silly plan worked as she seemed far too experienced to make such a mistake. Fearing that the hunters would catch up to me, I haven't stopped running until now.

Exhausted, I lay down in the shade and licked my sore paws. I winced at the sharp pain in my left shoulder. The arrow is still there, causing pain with the tiniest movement, but I know better than to try and pull it out. If I accidentally bit the arrow shaft in half, it would make extracting the arrow head even more difficult. I sighed, silently hoping that I've put enough distance between me and the hunters because I physically could not take another step without some rest.

I was surprised that Ciara wasn't aware of the fact that her karambits could be disabled. You see, despite how powerful they seem, teleportation weapons have one drawback: the user wouldn't be able to teleport if there is not enough space around the blades to house a human. For example, if the weapon was jammed between two boulders or under piles of dirt, then the user won't be able to teleport. I buried her karambits in the snow in hopes that it would prevent her from accessing them, and it worked, much to my surprise.

The exhaustion from everything that has happened is starting to weigh down my eyelids. Trying my best ignore the throbbing pain in my left shoulder, I rested my head on my front paws and swiftly drifted into sleep.

-A few hours later-

I awoke under a sky of purple and pink clouds. I leaped to my feet before wincing at the wound in my shoulder. Yikes, how long have I been asleep? Gritting my teeth against the pain, I broke off into a canter into the trees once again.

The Coven is where I'm heading. I know we just left there but I just... I just want to see it all again, my old home, my dads' study, god, the library. Even if it's all in shambles, it is still home. And I would give up everything to sleep on my own bed again.

I have no idea where I will go afterwards, since... I can't possibly go back to Frostbourne now. My heart sank as I thought of Azura. She probably has no idea what happened to me and will most likely never see me again... Tears sprang up in my eyes as my heart clenched with pain. I pushed my way through the underbrush, not paying attention to my surroundings until I came up to a river.

I scanned the riverbed and realized that I'm upriver to the Coven. This section of the river is shallower than the stretch beside the Coven. I squinted at its glittering surface lit from the sunset. It looks shallow enough to wade... oh wait. Remembering that snow and ice burns me, I gingerly dipped one of my paws into the water. It was freezing, but not to the extent that it hurt me. I inhaled deeply before stepping into the river. The current rushed around my legs, tugged my tail and reminded me how dangerous it would be to get carried away by it. Surprisingly, the water doesn't even come up to my belly, which I am grateful for. I treaded slowly, making sure that I do not lose my footing on the muddy bottom. Part of me wanted to bolt, to get across as fast as I can, but I also know that increases the chance of slipping. So I ignored my racing heart and steadily made my way through the current.

I shook myself dry on the other side of the river, wincing again from the arrow in my shoulder before following the river south. Dusk has settled and some fireflies have started to glow in the reeds by the bank. I watched them perform their little dances under the dark purple sky. It's so peaceful here... reminds me of home... too bad I don't have one anymore...

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