Don't Poke The Bear

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Note: This is not canon to my au. This was inspired by @Rockythewolf558 's newest chapter as a little writing practice.

First published on August 10th, 2022

"Daddy behind you!" Ria shouted.

A sharp pain hit his lower back. Kane stumbled forward. His hand darted to the source of the pain, finding an arrow there. His breath caught in his chest. This is not good. The Netherbane captain hastily pulled the arrow out and tossed it far away from him. 

Before he could think about anything else, the rustle of hay grabbed his attention. A Piglin stepped out of the shadow of one of the stalls with a katana in its hand. Kane narrowed his eyes and readied his cleaver just in time to block their blade.

They clashed. The metallic clang of their blades echoed in the stalls. For some reason, it felt like this Piglin hit harder than most. Kane could barely keep up with him. A faint headache built in his head. His movements felt sloppy and slow.

Something is wrong. His vision blurred. I'm losing. I need to get out here fast with Ria.

Ria... Kane dodged a swipe from the Piglin's katana and roundhouse kicked it in the abdomen, hoping that would distract him long enough for them to escape. He whipped around to face his daughter's captor. Ria stared fearfully back at him in that awful woman's arms. Ruby, wearing a twisted grin on her face, held a knife to his daughter's neck. Kane felt his blood boil with rage.

"You- ack-" his words were cut off from a hard blow to the back of his head. Kane stumbled forward. He barely regained his balance before the Piglin backhanded him in the face. His vision went black.

The Netherbane captain fell to the ground. A sharp blow landed on his ribs. He felt himself hit the wall of an empty stall. Everything felt so painful and so far away. Kane haven't been beat up this badly in a fight for a long time.

"Daddy!" His daughter's cry reached his ears, blurry and distorted. Kane could barely raise his head. The faint throbbing in his head had turned into a pounding headache. It was like someone hammering a spike into his skull. It's hard to think. He grasped at the few thoughts floating in his messy brain. Save Ria. Save. Ria.

Get up.

With much difficulty, he propped himself up on his elbows. He doesn't have his cleaver anymore. His vision swam and everything sounded muffled.

" pathetic...this is the Netherbane captain?" "...this is what I wanted to see..." "...let's end this..."

Huffing, he heaved himself up, supporting his weight with his hands. But before he could do anything else, his body spasmed. Kane bit back a pained groan. It hurts... Everything hurts... He can't breath. His armor feels suffocating. A second spasm wracked his body. Kane clawed at the straw on the floor, grinding his teeth from the pain. Every fiber of his being was on fire. It felt like someone injected molten metal into his veins. A little too late, he realized that the arrow must have been poisoned. But man, the Ender frog poison hurt way less than this! Kane's hearing blurred further, his heartbeat thundered in his ears, so loud that he couldn't hear anything else. He squeezed his eyes shut. It hurts so bad. His bones felt like they are melting. His breaths came in ragged gasps. Am I going to die? Is this how I'm gonna go?

Suddenly, two little hands cupped his face, getting his attention off the pain. He looked up. Ria's tear streaked face came into focus. His daughter was sobbing, incoherent words tumbled out of her mouth. Somehow, Kane found the strength to pull her into an embrace. For a moment, he forgot about his pain. Nothing else mattered, he had his little pup back safely. The moment of peace dissipated when the smell of blood hit his nostrils. Ria's shirt was torn and bloodied. A cut went from below her collar bone to the top of her shoulder.

Kane felt something snap inside him. A growl rose in his throat. He pulled Ria behind him. His daughter looked worried but he didn't care. His eyes found the blade in Ruby's hands. It's stained red along the edge. That's Ria's blood. They hurt her. They hurt his daughter.

All rationality left his head. Blind rage ran through he veins. They need to pay. THEY NEED TO PAY!

His vision turned red and the rest was history.

Author's note:
I usually don't write transformation central scenes like this because I worry about how people would perceive them (and how I might get canceled for that) but I kinda just went "Nope. I don't care" for this one. Really wanted to expand on the Kane to hound scene in that specific chapter of "Into the Blizzard" during editing, but realized that it would be way too much change to write it like this. Plus, it looks pretty good on its own like this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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