Getting Clearer

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It's been a year since it's all happened. Since then, my mom died, driving after trying to drink my dad away. I got a job as a model and I started drinking. every day that I have to stay away from Keeley is torture. It's gotten better since high school ended, since I don't see her. But today, it's been exactly a year, I have drank at least 4 bottles of beer and its only 2 o'clock and I've been crying all day. I have bags under my eyes and tears stained under them, today is probably the worst day of my life. I'm sure whoever did this is sitting back, watching me, and loving this.


After everything, I started trying harder in school and I got accepted into Yale, I'm getting a degree to be a surgeon. It turns out I have a brain in my head when I start paying attention. II've finished my first year of college, but I skipped the party because I was way too paranoid. I can't go to a party on a day like this. I'm always worrying about the rest of us, but I try to stay away from that. I'm taking pills to keep me concentrated but they don't really help and I think I may be getting an addiction. I'm so nervous today, that I think I might overdose.


I can't believe it's already been a year. Everyone else is headed off to college, and I can't believe I'm jealous. I decided to quit high school in grade 11 after I created the vaccine Ebola and a couple other diseases. It made me so much money and I didn't really need school. It gets kind of lonely sometimes though. especially after everything that happened. I find myself pacing back and forth, and walking up and down the stairs. I have a crick in my neck from always looking over my shoulder in the paranoid feeling that someone's watching me. I haven't sat down all day, I've just been walking around my house quickly and looking around all the corners for them.


I have really let myself go over the past year. I did not go to college but I earn tons of money with my job. People throw money at me all the time, and I get extra after. I have practically changed my name to Angel, since that is what people at work call me. I even got wings tattooed on my shoulders to go with my name. After work, I pretty much just hang out at different malls and pretty much everywhere I can hit on guys. I spend my cash on things I do not need, but I do not care. It is just paper. Today I did not go to work though, I did not want to leave the house. I stocked my fridge with ice cream and stayed home eating it.


Over the past year, I've decided to pursue my dream of acting and got into Juliard. Life here is tough, but school ended for the summer two days ago. The staying away from people has gotten less hard especially after Emma and I got into that huge fight. We both moved out, I went to Juliard and she moved to England and went to some prestigious art school there. I don't really care what it's called but it will be embarrassing after I see everyone again and I have to admit I didn't know what school my own sister went to. But I didn't really care about anything right now. Nothing but school.


I now go to the Academy of Realist Art UK. I am an artist. the salary isn't perfect, but I get by, I pay my rent. I was able to pay for glasses after that crash I got into after drinking to much. My vision is only 10-20 now, it makes art so much harder. I hate my life so much. it was the first time I've drank and it was the taxi driver who got in the accident. My vision fails more and more each day and I will eventually go blind. It happened after Noah and I's fight. He got into Juliard, and I had my choices of art schools, one was very near to Juliard. I asked my brother if I could stay with him, but he's a drunken asshole. He started yelling about how if I'm not good enough at art to go to Juliard, I'm not good enough at living to live with him. I cry myself to sleep each night, and today's finally the day. I don't think I can face him.


The year hasn't been very hard for me, I had already spent a whole year kidnapped. I've been doing YouTube videos of me singing and I started to get really popular, I now get payed for it by YouTube and it's my job. Everything had been great until today. It was the day, it had been a year. I wasn't surprised when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see a tall manlike figure with their face covered. They were also holding a bag. Which got put over my head


I cried while writing this, especially Emma's POV, I hope you guys like it.

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