Part 6

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Dabi walks in along with me and toga. I place the old woman into a chair as twice bounds her ankles and wrist. Shigiraki walks in with kurogiri. Giri going to his place behind the bar, and shigi sitting on one of the bar stools with dabi.

I sit at the far end of the bar with toga on my lap. Toga wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her breast. I took a deep breath before shigaraki spoke.

"How long before this old hag wakes up?"

"With how old she is, I'd say 30 more minutes."Twice says.

"Can you guys tell me exactly how we're going to do this?" I ask, slowly hiding back into togas breast.

"Well, if you must know," shigaraki started. 

"She needs to tell us where the chip is, how to either deactivate it or how to safely remove it from you." He said, taking one of his hands off.

"Okay, then what?" I asked, pulling out a cigarette from my pocket.

"Then we kill her, duh," Dabi finished.

"fine, but i need a few answers before we kill her," I said, lighting the cigarette. 

"deal, you get 5 minutes to get all your answers, then she's gone." Shigaraki said taking his drink from Kurogiri. 

"let us know when she wakes up," i say, picking up toga and carrying her to my room.

I come in carrying to toga and I put her on my bed.  She sits up straight and i lay on her lap. She was a little surprised but her fingers quickly intertwined themselves into my hair as her long nails greeted my scalp. 

"you still mad at me?" she asked, a little hesitantly.

I shook my head, lightly kissing her thighs.

"Nah just, next time you plan on telling everyone one of my life secrets, run it by me first okay." I said lightly chuckling. 

She nodded and kissed my temple. I was about to say something when we heard a scream.

"Guess they didn't need to tell us when she's awake," toga said as we got up and went back to the bar.

When we walked in, the old lady look at toga scared, then at me terrified.

"w-we thought you were-"

"dead? yeah, I know," i said, cutting her off. 

"yeah, it's my quirk. Now enough small talk, why did you plant a chip inside me without my permission or consent?" I asked, a little pissed off.

"How do you think we found you as a little trouble maker, and we knew you wouldn't agree to it so we snuck a pill into your drink and did it when it kicked in.." she said 

"So you're telling me, that not only did you make me feel like I was an outcast my whole life, you locked me away from making any friends and you planted a chip in me. I hope you can't sleep at night knowing you and all those other's were the reason I jumped off the roof that day." I said, in a colder tone than I intended.

She started crying, which told me she and the other's couldn't sleep knowing that fact. 

"I' sorry...." she said between tears and sniffles.

"Whatever. I'm done talking to her, do what you have to do. I'll be in my room." I said leaving with toga. 

Author out ;)

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