Part 1

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Okay, so I've been dating toga for about 7 months now. I've been calling the league of villains my family since we first met. I'm no hero or villain, I'm just a person trying to live life both as a regular person with a quirk and a person who is off the grid. 

Let me start from the beginning...

My evil life starts at the age of 7, I was a normal girl with a dangerously powerful quirk so of course I was homeschooled... well more like quarantined in my room with nothing to do but read, eat, and sleep.

My mother died when I was born and my father was an abusive drunkhead, so I ran away and ended up in an adoption home. Once I got there I was tested for a quirk, I ended up breaking the machine. Therefore my caretakers saw me as a threat, so they proceeded to lock me in a room full of books and feed me every 3 hours.

The only time I was able to come out was on adoption day. Once a week every kid in the adoption center would get all dressed up and do interviews with people who wanted to adopt one of us. And of course, I was never chosen, people saw me as a freak since I never showed any emotion.

Fast forward about 3 years, I was 10 years old, still unadopted and the trouble maker of the adoption center. Always causing mischief, always getting into trouble, stuff like that. I would climb to the top of the rooftop and start screaming and yelling like I was crazy.

I would get caught, get yelled at a bit, and sent back to my room. Wen adoption day came around, sometimes my caretakers wouldn't allow me to get interviewed because of my behavior, I didn't really care much tho.

Fast forward 8 years, at 18 I climbed on the top of the roof of my adoption center... and I jumped. I hit the ground head first and I was gone... so I thought. I woke up on the other side of town from where I was. I walked back to the adoption center to see everyone heading inside crying.

That was the day I figured out what my quirk was.

"I'm immortal." I didn't want people seeing me so I threw my hood over me and kept my head down. I was like this for about 2 months. It was a normal day, I was walking through an old alleyway to get back to my place when from behind me I got blasted with heat. I hit a wall and then the ground. I got up and rubbed my face.

"That's gonna hurt tomorrow." I turned around to see what had blasted me and I saw no other than the notorious villain, dabi. I raised an eyebrow confused as to why the hell he blasted me for. " Hey, your y/n right?"

"depends, who's asking?" I could feel a smirk forming on my face. "The leader of the league of villains, Tomura shigiraki that's who." I took my hoodie off my head "heh, and what does shigiraki want with me?"

Dabi motioned for me to follow him, I was a bit hesitant but I followed him regardless. Halfway through he had to carry me with my eyes closed so that I don't know the exact location of the L.O.V. base.

Once I got there dabi put me down, I opened my eyes, and he opened the door to a small bar room. Kurogiri was cleaning glasses, shigiraki was doing that weird thing when he keeps scratching his neck, Dabi went to sit next to shigi, and toga was throwing knives at a dartboard.

"This is her shigaraki" He took his hand off his face and looked at me. "I think you know what you're doing here." I scoffed "well yeah, dabi told me, you want me to join the league of villains." He lightly smiled "precisely". A smirk settles on my face. "what's in it for me?"

Shigaraki looked at kurogiri. " you get a place to stay, you can do whatever you want 24/7, your own villain name, and a family..." My eyes widened "how did you-?" "we've been watching you for a while y/n, and we know you've never had people to call family."

I hesitated for a second "I'm in" Shigaraki stood up. "perfect, toga will show you to your room." Toga came and grabbed my hand. "come one, i can tell were gonna have a lot of fun together~" I raised an eyebrow as she guided me to my room.

On the way there she kept asking me questions

"what's your blood type?"               "O-"

"how old are you?"                             "18"

"how tall are you?"                             "5'4"

"What's your sexuality?"                 "lesbian"

"what's your type~?"                        "Phycho short ash blonds~"

She looked at me as i winked at her. I heard a giggle escape her lips as she let go of my hand. "here you are, right next to me." I nodded and opened the door but before i could walk in toga grabbed me by my collar and planted a small kiss on my cheek before skipping away. "see ya later my little stud muffin."

I slightly smiled, "this is gonna be fun."

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