Chapter 1

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Y/n didn't sleep that much anymore and he barely talked he really only talks to his best friend.

*Beep beep beep*

*beep beep beep*

You know it's Mirios birthday but its fine you have time for another 5 minutes, you hit the button on top of my alarm and turned over to go to sleep.

*3 hours later* 01.34

Bam. You heard your door fly open and there stood Mirio crying.


"what are you on about stop shouting."

"Did you really forget my birthday, what the fuck n/n. Don't bother talking to me."

And that is how to lose your best friends. So now your wearing all black and sneaking out of grounds on a Saturday night no one knows and no one will care. Walking down the street by yourself is so lonely especially in the dark, your just so angry with everyone you can't stand up for yourself because of your severe anxiety. You could so punch something right now, you could so- what is that noise. You can hear someone talking.

"Come out now. I-I-I'm not scared of you."

"Oh but you are aren't you Y/n." the weird voice says in your ear as they put there hand on your shoulder. You grabbed his wrist and flung him over your shoulder immediately making him lose his breath. He was just there a nobody, a drunk nobody he could be okay to beat up he surely has no one. Then he uses his quirk- super strength but you still kept punching and punching him. It wasn't until a firm pair of hands wrapped around my head that you realised what you had done. Before it went pitch black you saw the man all bloody and broken, but then he was no more...

Shigaraki X Y/N ~BUTTERCUPS~Where stories live. Discover now