Chapter 2

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Unknowns pov

I watched from the bushes, this kid from UA was just walking down the street I was about to go up and kill him that was until someone else beat me to it. Or at least that's what it looked like at first, the kid killed him, he was a hero, a drunk hero. The kid was still punching him even when he was dead, I put my gloves on ran up to him and put my hands around his head, pressing the pressure point which know will knock him out.

I rang up Kirogiri no doubt he was serving Dabi's alcohol addiction as usual.


Pick up you stupid moro-


"can you come pick me up I got this kid in front of a dead hero."

"what did you get yourself into now" as usual whenever i call him he says it as if it happens all the time.

"just hurry up I hear the sirens."

"you owe me an explanat-"

*beep beep beep*

And soon enough I was swallowed and back to the league of villains hideout.  The familiar surrounding eased the anticipation of the no doubt angry Kirogiri.

"TOMURA SHIGARAKI WHAT DID YOU DO." oh shit my full name.

"This kid killed a hero and would have turned him to mush if I didn't stop him."

"But he's like 18 and I'm guessing a UA student."

"I saw what I saw assholes"

I dragged the kid to my room knowing the rest would kill him. And it was great timing cuz he started waking up.


"what do you want, oooh new meat." He said with hunger in his eyes.

"comfort him don't kill him."

"why can't you?"

"look at me."

"fair enough." Hawks said after a small hesitation.

I walked off hoping for the best surprisingly the kid killed someone with super strength I have no clue what his quirk is but we'll have to see.

These are short chapters for now but they do get longer. ~Ash

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