Chapter 9

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You woke up in an armchair in the lounge with shigaraki sat opposite you head in his hands, concerned filled you.

"Shiggy you alright?" He looked up at you surprised you were awake, he wiped his sodden eyes and walked over to you and hugged you again. After he pulled away you looked around the room to see it empty other than Ri in the corner washing up plates.

"They went down stairs to sleep, their okay." He clearly noticed the worry in your face, you got up walked towards shigaraki and looked at him and wiped the single tear that slowly crawled down his face. He smiled at you and held your wrist gently with his gloved hand, to which you smiled warmly at him. Your face lit up as you remembered the moisturiser you got Ri to get, you removed your hand much to his dissapointment and led him to your room.

After closing the door for privacy you yet again pushed him onto your bed and opened the top drawer of your nightstand and pulled out moisturiser. Shigaraki tried to leave but you manipulated the covers to pin him down, he looked at you in shock.

"Y/n no." you just smiled at him, "Fine just this one time."

He looked at you with a scowl but you knew the smile was there, as you climbed on top of him moisturiser in your hand, Ri walked in saw you both and walked out. You shrugged your shoulders and started applying the moisturiser to his cracked skin. Within a few minutes his skin already seemed smoother and you started applying it to his scratched raw neck to which he winced, even though he hadn't scratched since you've been here it was still saw. But he let you carry on because you were enjoying yourself all while Ri was smiling to himself wondering how on earth you could make shigaraki that happy without doing much.

"Y/n can you release it your bleeding through your shirt." you didn't notice that your arm had started dripping on shigaraki's chest. You immediately released the sheets and shigaraki sat it, so now anyone that walked in would have thought you were straddling him. He lifted your shirt off to see how bad it was, which didn't help how the situation looked at all. And just at the wrong moment Twice walked in to see what was for dinner, him being the over dramatic person he is made a huge deal until y/n manipulated him to shut up and sit down. To which he did then you released him and got off shigaraki's lap and simply said, "You forgot this happened you walked in and we were in our own beds, and shigaraki said we'll be down in a moment." Twice nodded and left like a robot. You tired around to see shigaraki stared at you with admiration. "What?"

"You just made him forget about the whole thing? Your amazing." you blushed at the sudden compliment and shigaraki stood up to tend to your drying blood.

Once you had finished getting changed you walked into the lounge alone with your headphones in and sat down at the bar in the lounge and looked at Ri, who looked back in concern.

"What's wrong n/n?" he looked at you with more concern than you ever have seen someone look at you before.

"I miss my dad, yknow Eraserhead?" Ri nodded, "That's my dad."

"Ah yes now I see the resemblance, I would say you could say bye but he's a hero and I can't risk your safety."

"I want to join the league, I know I don't have the pure hatred for heroes but I have always been limited to what I've been allowed to do so joining the league means i don't have that limit." Ri looked at you with full admiration, he looked shocked yet pleased.

"You can do anything you want until shigaraki tells you to stop, you may  be able to see your dad every once in a while."

"Do you reckon you could telaport me to my dad who will be in his room just so I can say bye and that I'm with the league?"

"You'll have to ask shigaraki I'd love to take you but it's up to him, he is smarter than he looks."

You hugged Ri from the other side of the bar, "Do we have chocolate milk?" You asked looking hopefully at him. He nodded and poured you a glass as shigaraki walked in with smooth skin, his hair tied up in a ponytail and a smile when your eyes met.

Your heart skipped a beat, and it took alot for that to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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