Chapter 6

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"So you like chicken nuggets?" You looked at him shyly unsure of what to say to a pro hero like him who turns out to be a villain.

"Uh...yes occasionally." You looked at his face and he looked as if he was about to cry, "I've gone off them recently though." A slight change in tone from worry to relief. You wished shigaraki comes back soon you really can't be arsed with this guy anymore pro hero or not. You heard the sound of a portal opening and closing you turned to look and you saw the guy look at you and signal for you to go over, you did out of curiosity.

"Shigaraki asked me to get this for you." He lifted up the familiar grey box with your testosterone in you quickly took it from him, "If you need anything else like that ask and I will get it for you," he sat in front of you and whispered, "Have you just got the one binder?" you nodded feeling comforted by him, a feeling of trust for this person coarsed through you. "I will get you some more and some clothes too, I'll have shigaraki find a room for you."

"Thank you..?" you asked looking for a name.

"Kurogiri, but just call me Ri." you nodded with a smile as nice as you could produce. He seemed friendly enough.

You heard the door to the room shigaraki went to open you turned fast on your heels and found yourself waking to his side. He looked at you and smiled again, he had a nice smile but the crusty skin was really off-putting. You didn't mind though.

"Did he give you your medication?" you nodded in reply and he looked at Ri and nodded a thanks. "Toga go to the house in your citizen clothes and get the food." She nodded and got up, he was definitely in charge here.

"He is also getting me some clothes and some more binders." He looked at you in shock, you guessed it's because you normally only ever answer questions not have full conversations. Then you had an idea, you were going to get Ri to get moisturiser for shigaraki you know he will hate the idea but it will be funny.

You run over to Ri, "Hey Ri, could you possibly get moisturiser?" he looked at you very confused.

"Sure but what for? Oh is it for shigaraki?" you nodded with a huge smile on your face, from the corner of your eye you can see shigaraki looking at you smiling again. "I'll keep it a secret then after Toga gets food ill got and get your stuff quickly." you did your happy hands also know to everyone else as stimming. Ri looked at you confused as to what you just did.

"When I get happy I do that I don't know why but it's called stimming." you stated as he looked at you as if he was making a mental note about it, shigaraki came over after.

"You two seem to get along well, how'd that happen?" he smiled while asking.

"Just sort of clicked." Ri said in a way you can tell he's smiling. "Is that an issue?"

"No no no just surprises me that you out of all people-"

"Finish that sentence Tomura."

"I think I'm good hey y/n do you want to put your box in my room for now. Dinner should be here soon." you nodded and followed him just before you left the room you gave Ri a small wave.

Shigaraki X Y/N ~BUTTERCUPS~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt