Chapter 8

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Dabi's pov

I knew shigaraki had already fell for y/n how you could in a week ill never know, we were just finishing up on the last store when music started playing in my pocket. I was being called, I looked at the cracked screen of my phone and it was y/n calling me.

Are you nearly done yet

Just about to come back like in the next five seconds

Hurry up I want to talk to Ri

Alright were done now shut up go sleep you can talk to him later today.

Fine, your mean

No I'm no-

He ended the call on me. Cunt. We were swallowed into another portal and we were back into the house. I walked into shigaraki's room to find them cuddled up together on y/n's bed, I've never seen either of them smile like this before. I quietly turned around and walked back into the lounge towards kurogiri.

"Go look in shigg's room." I whispered to him trying not to get the others attention otherwise they'll probably cause y/n to have another panic attack. As he walked away to their room I could see him open the door and put his hand up to his face, I'm guessing it was his mouth but idk. He closed the door and walked back to where he was standing.

"That is so adorable, did you take a picture?" I looked at him, I had never seen this side of kurogiri before. But he was right either way I needed to take a picture so thats just what I did, after I sent it to kurogiri, shigaraki and y/n. That will definitely be a surprise when they wake up.

I looked over at kurogiri and smiled, to which he offered me a drink. Rude. Even then I still said yes. Before I could even take a sip Toga had bounced her way to me.

"So what's up with shiggy and y/n?" she asked still looking like a five year old after a whole buffet of sugar.

"I don't know what you mean." Even she sort of knew something was different, luckily she's not that smart so she didn't go look for herself.

"Shiggy is happier than I've ever seen him around that guy, why is he so important." she looked at me and I knew she wouldn't leave until she got answers. I took a long drink of my drink and turned to face her.

"I'm trying to figure it out too but I'll let you know as soon as I know anything alright?" She looked at me unimpressed, I've probably used that excuse before but honestly I don't care she isn't going to find out. Not from me anyway.

About an hour later shigaraki came out his room with his hand around y/n's wrist who was using his other hand to check her phone, looking as awake as I've ever seen him. Just then y/n name grabbed his wrist and turned him to face him. I couldn't make out what was said but y/n turned around and shot back into their room slamming the door behind him. To which shigaraki ran too the door and started talking through the gap between the door and the door frame. I immediately felt bad, I walked over to shigaraki.

"What's up with y/n?" I asked genuinely concerned something was wrong.

"He forgot to take his medication yesterday and today so now he's paniking but he's locked the damn door." I looked at his face which was full of desperation which I've never seen him like it before. I used my quirk to melt the lock and shigaraki bursted in and saw a curled up y/n, he ran over to him and hugged him and I could hear his softly singing a song. He is so much more capable of human emotions than I thought, he cared alot. But y/n brought out the best in him, not even 10 mins later y/n sat on his lap and fell asleep with red puffy eyes, just like shigaraki said happened earlier. Shigaraki stood up and carried him past me, who was stood at the door watching, and into the lounge towards Kurogiri. I've never seen his take care of someone like that.

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