Chapter 5

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I walked into the lounge towards the washing machine and threw his clothes in, all of them looking at me weird because I'm doing washing.

"Yo shigg you good?" Hawks said while looking at me with shock, the silence was unnerving.

"They were drenched in blood so I put them in the wash all of you Sod off you cunts." They all look relieved.

"And he's back it's okay panic over." Toga said with a hint of sarcasm like the little prick she is, but also a sort of soft cosy tone. I rolled my eyes at the group and walked off to see y/n who was laying on my bed with the headphones in smiling. It was a nice sight, which is odd for me to think but even I can't deny THAT. He looked so calm, almost as if he's completely forgotten about what he did.

"Y/n, you wanna meet the others now they've calmed down abit?"

He looked up only just noticing my presence and smiled softly again, my heart murmured softly with affection, this boy was growing on me. As he took of the headphones his hair fell down.

"Yeah, do you have a hair bobble?" He looked like a grape, I nodded and walked over to my nightstand and opened the drawer, took out a hair bobble and signalled for him to turn around so I could do it. He did so willingly.

"Could on of you take me to get my stuff from my dorm too, I don't want to be using your clothes all the time."

He looked so scared as if I was going to say no and beat him up, I wasn't.

"If you make a list of things you and where they are we can get hawks to help the investigation and grap some stuff while he's there." He looked slightly shocked by my acceptance of his request but after all we were here to help him with his life especially after his accidental murder of a pro hero. We walked out him still wearing one headphone in towards the lounge, which was still rather quiet from his recent visit, only small whispers of conversations lingered. As they entered the room all heads turned to them, my arm was placed at a comforting place on his back as he had both hands in his pockets avoiding eye contact.

"What's for dinner?" I broke the awkward moment and then it was as if I broke a trance and they were all voting on what dinner is to be. While they were preoccupied I turned to y/n. "Anything you want for dinner?"

"Could we get something sweet?" he looked shocked at himself for talking. "Sorry we don't have to, just a thought."

"Don't worry if you want we could get an Indian and you could have a sweet curry?" He looked at me with a warm smile and nodded sweetly. "Guys were having an Indian tell me what you ant ill have it delivered to the other house which one of you lot can pick up. Toga you go your the least recognisable out of us."

They all groaned but I didn't care, y/n was my first priority and what ever he wanted goes, to a point. I looked over at the smaller 18 year old, he looked worried I stared at him with concern.

"I forgot my uh medicine." I looked at him confused, he didn't mention it before but I suppose he's only been here three hours.

"What kind I'll get kirogiri to get it for you." He looked embarrassed as if he didn't want to say it.

"My testosterone, I'm trans." He looked for scared as if I was gonna kick him out. I wasn't going to.

"Okay where is it in your dorm room?" He looked shocked at my answer, this seemed to be a common occurance with him though. As he told me I was shoved a piece of paper with all of their orders on, I added mine and y/n's and borrowed Hawks's phone to order.

"Why don't you sit on the sofa ill send one of them over, one of the calm ones. I'll be back as soon as I can." He looked at me with sad eyes as if he was sad to see me go. Adorable. As I walked off to make the order I went to hawks and told him to go talk to y/n Kirogiri watched me walk over to him after leaving Hawks's side.

"Could you go and grap a case with the words 'Testosterone jabs' on it should be in the bottom of his washing basket." He looks at me confused, then the penny drops, he nods and drowns in his own portal. Time to call the Indian place.

Shigaraki X Y/N ~BUTTERCUPS~Where stories live. Discover now