Chapter 4

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Tomura pov

He looked so scared when I came around that corner, if I had to explain him in 2 words it would be scared and purple. His hair. I was now guiding the frozen child away from the rest of the idiots. His hands were freezing, probably from being out and about at that time of night. As we turned the corner chaos is the only thing I can describe it at I yelled for them to sit down they did but were still shouting at each other as usual.

"Do you want a blanket your really cold?" This time for some reason I was concerned, like I had to protect him.

"I- uh yes p-please." He seemed to be relieved as if I had pulled a gun away from his head. I looked around for a blanket the only one being on the radiator, perfect. I walked up and got the Ruby red blanket and rapped it around the statue of this kid who refused to move towards the chaos.

"Do you want to go somewhere quieter? You look stressed." He turned around and looked at me and I could see the panic in his eyes.

"It's okay I just don't like loud noises I normally have my headphones on so I can focus on my music." He seemed to be getting more comfortable by the minute his black clothes seemed sodden with blood so much it was dripping off him.

"I got some headphones and you can make a playlist on my phone if you want." He looked at me confused on why I was being this kind, he slowly nodded suspiciously as if I'm gonna do something to him. I guided him to my room, the only room with more than one bed. I'm picky okay? I ran up to my headphones and phone which lay on the black bedding and unlock it.

"What music are you into?" He looked at me still suspiciously but seemed to be easing up.

"Mostly punk rock or indie, although I'm absolutely in love with lovejoy at the minute." He seemed to almost come alive when he talked about it, it was strangely nice to see.

I started to search lovejoy up on Spotify as he came over and looked over my shoulder.

"The best one is definitely 'perfume' it's an English band but that's their best song, or at least my favourite at the moment."

I watched his excitement grow as I pressed play on perfume by lovejoy. He quietly murmured the words and swayed his head in time with the music, clearly music meant alot to him.

"Hey do you want to get changed your kind of sodden with blood." He looked down as if he didn't realise what happened and he remembered all what happened, he looked sad.

"I don't have any clothes with me, but I have some at the dorm." He looked even more sad at the mention of his dorm, but he couldn't go back after what he did no doubt by morning they'll know he did it.

"Well for now you can borrow some of mine will a short sleeved top and joggers do?" He looked unsure.

"Do you have any long sleeved or maybe a hoodie?" oh I understand now, I nod and get out my favourite hoodie and pair of jogging bottoms and hand them to him. "Bathroom is next to the beatles record on the wall. As he walked off I make a playlist of songs I think he might like mostly including lovejoy, cavetown and some rock bands. I also took the chance to message Dabi.

Who's that with you?

The kid killed a hero that's in the top ten, the hero was drunk and got a bit to close. I got to the kid before the police did, he could be a good addition to the LOV.

The police will determine who he is within the night. He's gonna drag us down.

They have dna evidence to convict all of us, and not to mention the amount of witnesses, master said we need to find more villains so why not get a ua student that knows the ins and out of the school, we're not using him. We can make him a better person he can help us but only willingly, we can help him.

It's your head if it goes wrong but I'll help make him feel at home.

That's all I can ask for, what's birdy doing?

Playing cards with toga and twice you guys coming down soon?

Yeah we'll be 5 mins

I heard the bathroom door unlock and I turned to see him looking much more comfortable, clearly he feels sort of at home even after an hour or two. Maybe he needs to get comfortable with one person at a time. He looks at me unsure where to put his dirty clothes.

"I'll have them and here's my phone I made a playlist I think you might like based of what you said. Feel free to listen to it, I suggest not walking into the lounge without me there playing cards but their forever shouting." He looked at me gratefully but also with confusion of why I'm being nice, I smiled softly at him as much as my crusty face can anyway. He smiled back, my heart warmed at the sight.

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