3. Nightmare Fighter

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"PAPA! DADDY!" Virgil and Roman both bolted up at the sudden screaming they heard from next door. The sound of crying breaking both their hearts as Roman started to get up, only for Virgil to stop him. 

"I'll take care of it this time." Roman's eyes darkened as he just sat there watching as Virgil got up, pulling his pants on much faster than he'd really ever seen the emo move. "You just go back to sleep."

"Are you sure, Virgil? I can help-..."

"Roman, you do so much as it is." Virgil smiled as he gently pressed a kiss to his love's hair before grabbing a shirt. "I can handle a nightmare."

"I-I know. It's just..." Roman sighed as he laid back down, giving Virgil a small smile. "Tell her, Papa love's her. Ok?"

"Of course, Darling. Now... Go back to sleep. You're exhausted." Virgil watched as Roman just nodded as his eyes slipped shut, falling back to sleep instantly. Virgil sighed as he shook his head just thinking about how his love was always pushing himself. He quietly made his way to Roman's old room that they've been using for Nyxie until they could finish building their area. As Virgil pushed the door open he crashed seeing how Nyxie clutched her bear tightly. 

"P-Papa?" Virgil let the door close behind him as Nyxie buried herself into the bear. "Papa?"

"It's ok, Baby Girl." Nyxie's eyes shot up as Virgil sat down beside her. "I've got you."

"Daddy?" Virgil nodded as Nyxie pushed herself out of the blankets and into her dad's lap. "I scared."

"I know, Sweetheart. I can feel it. It's going to be ok though. I'll protect you." Nyxie cuddled into Virgil as the older wrapped his arms around her. "Your Papa isn't the only warrior in this house?" 

"He's not?" Virgil's eyes shined as Nyxie glanced up at him so vulnerable and trusting. He loved her so much. "But... Papa's the prince. He fights all the nasties away. He keeps both of us safe. He said so."

"Yes, but Papa needs help sometimes himself." Her eyes widened as Virgil booped her gently. "Especially against the nightmares."

"Papa has nightmares?" Virgil frowned remembering a particularly bad night where Roman was literally shivering in his sleep, and he sighed. "Everyone has nightmares, Sweetie. That's why I trained to fight them off." 

"You did?" 

"Yep! Who do you think kicks all of Thomas's nightmares to the curb?" Virgil teased as he tickled her making Nyxie squeal with laughter. "I'm the best nightmare fighter ever. Not even Papa can best me."

"Silly Daddy." Nyxie beamed as Virgil just laid her back down again. Her eyes were shining as she hugged her bear tightly in her arms. "I love you."

"I love you too, Nyx. Now... do you want me to read you a book?" Virgil waved his hand summoning Nyxie's favorite story, since they were in Roman's old room after all. She nodded happily as she scootched under the covers making room for Virgil who sat down beside her, letting her curl up into him. "Ok, then..."

"Wait!" Nyxie cried as Virgil started to open the book. "Where's Papa? Papa would want to be here. He loves when you read." Virgil couldn't help how he melted. He simply pulled Nyxie closer to him as she glanced at the book with a small smile. "We can't read the book without Papa."

"We should let Papa sleep, sweetheart." Nyxie frowned as Virgil gently trailed his fingers through her loose curls. "He worked really hard today and is super tired."

"Is Papa ok?"

"Of course he is, Hun. You know how Papa is." Virgil chuckled as he just turned back to the book in his hands. Nyxie smiled softly as she pointed to the first word making Virgil light up. "Yeah, we can start reading now, little one. Ok so... A small little kitten sat under a chair outside in the rain." Virgil slowly read through the page, his voice soft and songful as he went. It wasn't long at all till Nyxie yawned and curled up more, falling asleep against her dad with a smile. Virgil didn't let that stop him, however. He continued to read the book until the very end, when he let out a soft breath and just leaned against the headboard.

"She was right you know." Virgil jumped only to see Roman leaning against the doorway with a small tired smile. "I love listening to you read."

"You... Roman, you've been up this whole time." Virgil whispered as the other slowly made his way over with a nod. "I thought you went back to sleep."

"I was too worried to. Although, I knew you would be ok. I told you that you'd make an amazing father." Roman purred as he laid down beside the other with Nyxie squished between them.

"Roman, go back to sleep." Virgil whined seeing the absolute exhaustion in his love. Roman just laughed as he cuddled closer.

"I am... right here... with you two." Roman's eyes glittered with emotion making Virgil melt with a small nod. "You did amazing, Love. I know how anxious you were about doing things like that."

"I'm not that good at comforting..." Virgil smiled more as wrapped his arms around Roman as Nyxie shifted till she was laying over top of them both. "...but I've had a good teacher. You know you don't have to do everything right, Hun?"

"I know, but that doesn't mean I can't help." Virgil sighed as he pressed a soft kiss to Roman's hair listening to how the older purr got even louder. "I love you."

"I love you too, My King. Now sleep." Virgil chuckled seeing how Roman rolled his eyes playfully. "You literally spent all day running around helping everyone. You didn't even take one break."

"I'm fine, Virgil." Roman laughed as he let his eyes close with a sleepy grin. "I know my limits."

"Doesn't mean you don't go past them... just please rest up, hun?" Roman nodded as he let his arm wrap around Nyxie and entangle into Virgil's nightshirt. "Sweet dreams you two." Virgil whispered as he just sat there smiling down at his family. He never thought his life would have become this but... he was happy. He had a fiance to whom he loved with all his heart and a daughter who's the absolute best. 

He wouldn't trade it for the world.

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