4. A Brotherly Bonding

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"ROMAN!" Remus giggled loudly as he bolted into the room to find Roman trying to build up the wall frame. "Ro-... Wait? You were serious about actually 'building' everything?" Roman laughed as he looked back to see Remus just eyeing the unfinished room with this awe. "Usually we just snap our fingers and it shows up."

"It's not the first time I've properly build something." Remus's eyes widened as Roman used the nail gun to secure another thing of wood up. "Virgil and I spoke and we thought it best to make Nyxie her own little playroom. And once she's older it can turn into an office or whatever she wants it for."

"I never took you for a hands-on builder. In fact... Roman, I don't remember a time King EVER build anything." Roman froze instantly the nail gun just resting against the wood as Remus walked over and knocked against the foundation. "It's pretty sturdy too. When did you start doing things like this?"

"Uh... Like I've said..." Roman cleared his throat as he pressed the trigger just falling into the sound of the nail shooting out of the gun and into the wood. "It's not the first time... I can't um... pinpoint the first time."

"Well, it wasn't when we were King."

"What are you doing here?" Roman suddenly cut in making Remus falter at the near dismissive tone his brother gave him. Roman tried his best to ignore Remus as he worked, not wanting to let the chaotic twin hinder him in getting done what he needed to. He had promised Logan that later he would help him with his own project and Roman NEEDED to make sure the foundation for this room was at the least put up, before switching gears and insulating the other room now that he had finished all the wiring. He didn't have the time to waste on distractions when it was just him working on it for the most part. Roman tensed up the second he turned to see Remus holding his own nail gun with neon green marking. "Remus?"

"What? Did you really think I was just going to ignore the fact that your actually BUILDING something?" Roman eyed the nail gun, making Remus sigh and roll his eyes.

"Do... Do you even know how to use that?"

"Roman... I literally build Mine and Janus's house from scratch." Roman's eyes bugged as Remus walked over to help grab another thing of wood to fit in the box right before aiming with the nail gun. "At the time I was really lost over who I was... I didn't want to use any of 'Kings' powers so... I did everything by hand. Or well Janus and I did it together. Trust me... I can help you without fucking it all up like a bitch in heat." Roman just smiled as Remus shot him a toothy grin. "I would have helped you when you first started if you had ever told me."

"Why?" Remus frowned as Roman turned back to the wall to work. "Why would I bother you, if I didn't need the help?"

"Roman, this is a lot to do alone." Roman just laughed as he rolled his eyes and looped himself through the 'wall' to hold up a sheet of drywall against the frame. 

"So? It's not like I can't do it all." Remus peaked through the frame to see Roman nailing up the sheet, with a sad look in his eyes that Roman caught with a curious tilt of his head. "What?"

"Virgie was right. You do put way too much on your shoulders." Roman faltered, his face falling slightly as he just shook his head and moved to the nail the rest of the sheet up. "After this what were you planning on doing?"

"Insulation of the room over... and then helping Logan build another room beside his and Patton's bedroom. Patton also wanted help turning Logan's room into an office." Remus just stood there in absolute silence, which is never a good sign, as Roman went down the list. "Then Nyxie asked if we could do some crafts before bed."

"Put the nail gun down." Roman jumped as Remus suddenly grabbed his arm pulling him away from the room. 

"Hey, wait... Remus!" Remus grabbed the nail gun setting it down next to his own before literally dragging Roman out despite how his brother was fighting him. "Remus, come on. I'm really busy."

"Exactly. You're far top busy for your own good."

"REMUS!" Roman yelled as Remus suddenly sunk out forcing them both into the dark palace against Roman's wishes. "What the hell?"

"You're taking a break." Roman paled as Remus literally pushed him into the couch, crossing his arms with a very protective glare he never really thought Remus would ever get. 

"You can't just force me to take a break. I don't have the time to. I have to get the wall done before doing the insulation." 

"I can do all that while you rest. Then the two of us can help Logan." Roman quickly shook his head as he started to get up only for Remus to hold his hand out to stop him. "You're taking a break, Roman."

"Why the hell do you even care anyway?" Roman snapped with a growl, his hair sticking up much like a cat's does in defense. 

"When you've been dating the man of self-care for literal years, you learn to see the importance of it. So unless you want me to go grab Janus AND Virgil and tell them BOTH how you planned on working yourself to the very last second of the day I suggest you calm your nonexistent tits and take that damn break." Roman completely crashed against the couch, worn out and tired as Remus just shook his head and sighed. "You really are a pain you know that Roman?"

"I'm the pain?" Roman teased as he leaned back and let his eyes slip shut, feeling his body melt into the couch. He had been on his feet working since the moment he had gotten up that morning. "Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?"

"Shut up, Dork." Remus jumped onto the couch with a laugh as Roman just smiled tiredly. "I can work on the frame and the insulation, but I don't want to see you up for a few hours."



"No, I..." Roman laughed as he shook his head and just glanced over at his twin. "You don't have to do the walls. I can do that tomorrow or something. Just... Just stay. Please?" Remus's face fell in surprise as Roman let out a soft huff. "If I'm taking a break... I don't want to be alone. To much silence... at least you never let the quiet settle for long." Roman teased before wincing a bit at the pain down his spine. "I hope you don't mind. I really need to shift."

"You've been working yourself too much. It's fine, Ro. You know I like cats." Remus giggled as Roman just rolled his eyes before turning into a cat and just curling up against the arm of the couch. Remus sighed as he leaned against the other arm and turned on the tv. "Guess Jannie did teach me something. I was right... you really needed this break."

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