12. Hide and Seek

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"Ready or not here I come!" Virgil yelled out only to giggle hearing the 'shh'ing sound behind him. "You know, Lo... The objective of the game is to hide and try not to be found." Virgil slowly turned around to find Logan just sitting on the couch holding Angel in his arms with a book.

"Why would I do that when I have my son? It's far more beneficial to the both of us to just sit and relax while you all have your... fun." Virgil rolled his eyes as he looked around noticing the feet under the window curtain right away. Logan sighed as he quickly shot Virgil this look with a shake of his head. "That being said, I ask that you at least give 'us' a few minutes before you declare 'us' caught."

"Logan! Are you asking me to bend the rules?" Virgil gasped dramatically, ignoring the obvious giggle from the curtain. 

"I see I am mistaken." Logan said with a neutral expression. "I thought I was conversing with Virgil but it seems I had been talking with Roman instead."

"They say the more time you spend with someone the more alike you become."

"No wonder Roman's been becoming even more unbearable. His sarcasm has increased tenfold." Virgil couldn't help but belt out a laugh as he started for the kitchen. 

"Curtain, Pat." Virgil called out before leaving, hearing the 'aw man' as he did. He was still giggling as he glanced about the kitchen knowingly. He knew for a fact that he heard footsteps head this way. He was Anxiety. Hyperaware and observant over everything... usually to the point where it was problematic. Someone had walked in here and given how light the steps were, he had a feeling it was his fiance. That meant... Virgil's eyes slowly panned up to see Roman hunkered down, in cat form, between many of the colorful cereal boxes trying to hide his bright orange fur. "Found you, hun." Roman shifted back, knocking several boxes over, as he just sat there on the fridge with a smile. 

"Remind me again why we named you seeker?"

"Because no one can ever find me when I hide." Roman huffed as he hopped down off the fridge with a slightly childish pout.

"Yea, but that's because you cheat and use your shadows to hide you."

"You were literally trying to use your cat form, Roman. You're fucking tiny as a cat. How is that any different?"

"You still found me didn't you?" Roman smirked seeing how Virgil rolled his eyes. "Can I help?" Roman was practically bouncing on his feet. "Please? Please? I promise I won't be a pain."

"Fine." Virgil groaned playfully making Roman squeal happily before turning back into a cat and perching himself on Virgil's shoulder with a loud purr. "Oh my god..." Virgil laughed as he pulled Roman off his shoulder before putting him in his pocket so he was safer. Roman peaked his head out with a meow, giving Virgil a slow blink before snuggling himself back into the pocket. "I love you too, My king. Now... Let's go find the others."

"I know they all went upstairs." Roman suddenly peeked his head out again giving Virgil this look that made him laugh. "Oh I know she's downstairs. I'm just not looking for her yet."

"And you say I was bending the rules." Logan called out from the couch as Virgil rolled his eyes playfully. Virgil gently brushed his fingers over Roman's fur, eliciting a gentle purr from the cat as he snuggled up again. 

"Now... What room did they-..." There was a small meow from his pocket the second he passed Thomas's bedroom and he sighed, opening the door to find Janus just laying there on the bed without the slightest care. Janus smirked as Virgil crossed his arms with a pout. "You never actually hide, Jan. What the fuck?"

"I'm deception... I'm always hiding." Janus lulled teasingly only making Virgil chuckle a bit. "Besides, isn't having Roman helping you cheating. He can literally sense where Remus is at all times."

"That just makes this more fun." Remus squealed as he suddenly shot out from under the bed with a bright grin. "Lookie, Emo! I'm the monster under Thomas's bed!"

"You're a monster alright." Virgil laughed making Remus squeal again happily. "Go wait downstairs to play again WITHOUT setting up traps for Thomas and I'll give you more deodorant."

"YES! SCORE!" Remus jumped up hopping about before sticking his tongue out at Janus. "I told you I would get more. "Viva el desodorante!" (Long live the deodorant!)

"Don't worry, Ray. I keep a stash just for you hidden away." Remus giggled as Virgil whispered like he was trying to be sneaky. "You guys go on. I have to find Thomas before I go back downstairs for Nyxie."

"Of course, you'd look for her last." Janus teased making Virgil give him this silly look.

"You don't even look for Remus. You just yell out saying you can't find him..." Janus's smirk only grew as Virgil rolled his eyes. "Even though you are literally standing next to him every single time you do."

"Say no more." Janus laughed as he held his hands up in defeat before following after Remus, who was already downstairs. Roman meowed again making Virgil chuckle and pet him again.

"Thomas, Closet."

"Wha- Hey!" The door suddenly opened revealing Thomas standing there pouting as Virgil just laughed. "How did you-..."

"Remus is never too far away from someone he wants to torment. Janus is always with Remus making sure he doesn't do so. It was safe to assume that you were somewhere around given how I found the two. And since you never fail to miss the opportunity for a gay joke..."

"I get it. I get it." Thomas sighed as he stepped out of the closet. "I'll 'come out of the closet'."

"Thomas, Dude, you do that every time you walk in there." Thomas chuckled as he shrugged a little. "Ok... now onto Nyxie." Virgil hummed as he skipped down the stairs going straight to the laundry room. It was easy to follow where the small and quick footsteps of his daughter had skurried off to when he first started counting. "Now where is she..." Roman meowed softly as he peeked his head out again making Virgil laugh. "I bet she's doing the same thing you did. But given that her fur his black..." Virgil started opening all the cabinets before freezing up at the pair of eyes peeking in through the shadows of one of them. "Hey, hun." Nyxie patted her way to the edge of the cabinet before jumping down to the washer. Roman carefully pulled himself out of Virgil's pocket before rubbing up against Nyxie and gently grooming her making the little one purr. 

"I found her!" Virgil called out, hearing the loud 'awe's from the group in the living room. Roman suddenly shifted back, holding Nyxie in his arms as he gave his fiance a silly playful pout. 

"That's it no more hide and seek for you. You are too good at this game." Virgil rolled his eyes as he gently pulled Roman down enough to kiss him, a purr rumbling through his chest as he blushed into him. "Ok... Maybe..." Roman swallowed his blush as he smiled. "Maybe we can still play another round."

"I have you wrapped around my finger." Virgil teased making Roman bark out a laugh.

"Oh, hun... when do you not?"

The Paws-some Anthology (Book 1 1/2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin