9. Welcome Baby Angel

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"Oh, wow." Roman smiled the second Virgil's voice hit his ears. Virgil leaned over his shoulder, hand to the other's back, as he just smiled down at the little thing in Roman's arms. The little baby fussed a bit before falling back to sleep as Roman gently rocked him with a soft purr. "Have you told Patton and Logan yet?"

"That he's here? No. No, I haven't." Roman sighed as he gingerly brushed back the baby's wispy blonde hair. "I've been a bit... anxious, I suppose." Virgil shot Roman this odd look as the prince just sighed with a small shrug. "Creators stress." 

"Wait? What?" Roman paled as he quickly shook his head trying to brush it off only for Virgil to stop him. "What do you mean Ro?"

"I just... It's one thing to create something for yourself. It's another to create something for someone else. And living creatures are all that much harder... you're creating a living breathing being with thoughts, free will, a personality... If something goes wrong or if there's something the person doesn't like, what exactly can you do about it? Once that creation is made there's no going back."

"Are you worried Logan and Patton won't like him?" Roman was tense. That much was clear. Virgil could see how Roman held tight to the child trying to keep it soothed and calm as he avoided the question. "Roman, the fact that it's a living creation aside... how proud of your work are you?"

"Very." Roman smiled softly as he gingerly booped the boy's nose. "From a creator's standpoint, I put my all into this. This boy is exactly as he should be. From a father's standpoint... he's absolutely precious and I know I'm going to cherish him as the little bean my nephew will be."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I'm not his father." Roman's voice was hollow as he slowly placed the baby into the bassinette. "I created him for Logan and Patton. That means THEY are the ones that have to be happy with this. They gave me a list of EXACTLY what they wanted and what if I-..." Roman frowned as he just stood there blankly for a second making Virgil jump in worriedly.


"It's fine, Virgil." Roman blinked as he forced himself to smile and gently tuck the baby in. "We can't keep the blanket in here for safety reasons but I figured as long as someone is watching him then it should be ok. One of us should probably go get the new fathers before he starts crying and alerts the whole house to the newly arrived."

"Are you sure you're ok?" Roman nodded as Virgil just sighed. "Roman-..." 

"Why don't you stay with him ok? I'll go get Pat and Lo. Might as well." Virgil didn't even have a chance to catch him before he was gone, teleporting right out of the room making Virgil groan before just collapsing into the chair.

"Papa, where is everyone?" Roman smiled as he gently led Nyxie down the hall. It had been several hours since then and it was finally decided to let Nyxie meet the baby. "Daddy said everyone was busy today but I haven't seen anyone."

"You know how Papa's been very busy for the past month?" Nyxie pouted as she gave a small nod.

"You wouldn't ever leave your studio. Daddy said I couldn't even check on you because you couldn't be distracted. Even though he would go in to give you your food." Roman chuckled seeing the way Nyxie crossed her arms with a huff, still clearly angry over it all.

"I'm sorry, Little one. I know it wasn't fair but I really was very busy. Uncle Logan had asked me to do a very special super-secret project for him and Uncle Patton. For the past month I working on the MOST important part of the whole thing." Roman gestured widely making Nyxie's eyes sparkle in awe.

"What was it?!"

"Well... Do you remember how you came to be?" Nyxie nodded with a happy skip in her step. 

"My Papa made me for Daddy!" Nyxie giggled making Roman melt over the smile his daughter had. "I was made to help him when he was feeling sad or scared and then you both became my dads and you made it so I could be human like you!" Nyxie paused for a second before giving Roman a confused look. "What does that have to do with the special super-secret project?"

"You'll see." Roman gestured to the door to the new room he had made before opening it for them both. "In here." Nyxie hesitated before slowly peaking in, only to completely freeze up. Patton was currently rocking in the rocking chair, holding the tiny baby, as Logan sat in the bay window reading to them both. The second the door opened Logan paused in his reading only to smile up at the two as they walked in. Roman gently nudged Nyxie on who stumbled slightly before cautiously getting closer to Patton, whose eyes just sparkled.

"Nyxie..." Patton started as he gently leaned the baby lower so the little girl could see him better. "Meet Angel. Your new baby cousin." Nyxie's eyes shot wide as they darted over to Roman who just nodded with a smile.

"You-..." Nyxie quickly covered her mouth holding in the squeal before shifting over all her excitement accidentally scratching up the arm of the rocking chair trying to catch herself before Roman managed to catch her. She meowed ecstatically, fussing in Roman's hands, as Patton just chuckled and gave Roman a nod.

"Are you sure?"

"She's won't hurt him." Roman lightly place Nyxie on Patton's lap, who quickly rushed up to see the baby up close, giving Angel little kisses with a very loud purr, before just curling up against him. Roman honestly felt like he was going to cry. Maybe Pat and Lo were right about bringing a new baby into the mind palace.

"Awe." Patton sang as he just beamed over everything. "Now if only I had my..." There was a click sound and Patton's eyes darted over to see Roman holding a camera, with a laugh.

"I'll send you the picture." Patton giggled as Roman waved his hand through the air making the camera vanish.

"You better mister. I bet it was adorable."

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