14. Bachelor Party Shenanigans

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(TW~ Edibles, Pot)

"BACHELOR PARTY!" Remus screamed as he ran around the house. "Mi hermano se va a casar. Esta perra se va a casar. Holy fucking cat ball..." (My brother is getting married. This bitch is getting married.)

"Remus!" Roman sighed seeing his brother practically jumping off the walls. "The wedding is literally tomorrow. Can we maybe not tire ourselves out trying to keep up with you? I would very much like to be able to dance with my future husband." Remus stuck his tongue out before running around Roman in a circle giggling.

"You're getting fucking married, Roman!" Roman let a small smile slip seeing the sparkle in Remus's eyes. "I can still remember when King wanted nothing more than to find someone to spend forever with and now you've finally done that."

"I always was a hopeless romantic... wasn't I?" Roman's voice was choked as he shook himself out of his thought. He could remember all the times he would lie in his castle bed, tears streaming down his cheeks as his thoughts got too much for him to handle... just wanting someone to help him deal with that part of himself. "Look, Remus-..."

"If you're going to apologize over the split I will knock you out." Remus gave a pout as he knocked on Roman's head making the other groan. "We've been over this before, Dude."

"I know."

"You needed help and couldn't get it, so you did the only thing you could think of... getting rid of it. We can deal with all that drama on my birthday. Right now is about getting your pan ass hitched and locked down with that sassy sarcastic shadow spider."  Remus grabbed Roman's wrist ignoring how his brother jerked at the contact, before just dragging him off with a wicked cackle. "Now come on. Janus is getting everything set up!"

"I still don't understand why you two chose to spend the day with me and not Virgil." Roman called as Remus sunk out to the dark side. "I thought you both would want to be with him since he was one of you."

"And miss tormenting my brother on his last day of engagement? Hell no!" Remus giggled as he spun around to walk backward. "I can torment the Emo anytime I want... today I want to spend with my brother." Roman tensed up, feeling the tears building in his eyes. "Why would you think otherwise?"

"I didn't think we were that close." Remus stopped in his tracks giving Roman an odd look as the prince just shrugged. "I mean... after the split I sort of... cast you off. I wanted nothing to do with you and then... when I actually started to miss you, you seemed so happy, I thought it best not to mess that up."

"Roman, we are literally brothers. Nothing is going to change that." Remus stood there for a second just staring at Roman, his nerves ticking away at him. He cracked, punching Roman as hard as he could in the arm making the other jump with a pained whine. "Stop being all mopey. It's time to celebrate and get fucked up."

"Oh, no. Not this time." Roman groaned as Remus finally pulled him into the living room revealing all the food and shit plastered around the coffee table. Janus was just lazing on the couch with a smirk as Roman finally pulled his hand from Remus's grasp. "The last time you gave me a drink, you spiked that shit with Fairy liquor and I lost an entire week."

"It's not my fault, I have King's memories. You used to LOVE Fairy liquor."

"I still do but you didn't tell me and I drank too much of it!" Remus just cackled as Roman collapsed onto the love seat with a pout. "Fairy Liquor is literally magic-infused booze. Drink too much and you end up in a hypnotic stupor. I'm just lucky I only lost a week."

"Don't worry, Royal Dunce." Remus chirped as he gestured grandly to the table before them. "None of this stuff is spiked with anything that would stop you from being at your wedding."

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