11. Date Night

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"Roman?" Virgil frowned as he looked around the room finding that his fiance was not there. He was starting to get a little worried at this point. They were supposed to go out into the imagination for a date and Virgil hadn't seen Roman once since he had left to go see Thomas earlier this morning. "Roman-..." Virgil groaned as he quickly knocked on his own door, having been around Roman enough to know the whole 'hearing his door being knocked on' was a real thing, and yet still nothing.

"Hey, Pat? Have you seen Roman?" Virgil called out as he passed Patton on his way to check the kitchen. He was going to be mad if Roman forgot about their Date night, but Roman wasn't there either.

"No, Kiddo. I'm sorry. I haven't seen him since everything with Thomas." Virgil hesitated as the sad tone Patton had. The look Patton had in his eyes made it obvious that something happened. 

"Pat? What happened with Thomas?" Patton sighed as he gestured closely with his one free hand, Angel tucked against his chest with his other one.

"Thomas was having some trouble trying to figure out what he wanted to do and so he asked Logan and Roman to help him." Virgil already had a bad feeling about it all. "Logan has a bad habit of not taking the time to see the smaller details in things. He sees what needs to be done and nothing else. So..."

"Was Logan an asshole again?" Patton simply shot Virgil a look who rolled his eyes over it. "I understand that he's your partner and everything, Pat, but he can be a total asshole. He disregards others' emotions because he cannot understand them. So what exactly did he do this time?"

"There was an argument. Roman tried to cut to tell Thomas what he thought he should do and Logan shot him down. Roman got angry and... Honestly, I stopped listening at that point. I'm not good when people are yelling around me." Virgil nodded, understanding what Patton was talking about. "After a while Roman left and I haven't seen him since. He said something about going back to work but... Logan didn't seem to believe him."

"Thanks..." Virgil groaned sadly as he started for the studio. "I'm sure it's fine but I'll see if he's working as you said."

"Roman?" Virgil knocked on the studio door, a concerned glimmer in his eyes. "Hun? Pat told me something happened with Logan?" Virgil waited for a bit before knocking again. "Roman? Are you in there?"

"Behind you." Virgil jumped as he spun around to see Roman standing there in the closet, this sad look in his darkened eyes. 

"Are... Are you ok?" Roman sighed as he gave Virgil a smile, though anyone could tell it was forced.

"I'm fine."

"Why were you in the closet?" Roman hesitated before looking back and just shrugging. "Ro-..."

"Just forget about it, Love. It's not important. And what was that about Logan?" Roman forced a laugh as he shook his head and walked into his studio, letting Virgil follow him in. "Nothing happened with Logan."

"Patton told me there was an argument... that Logan was being a bitch." Roman shot the other a silly look as he sat down in his special chair.

"I'm pretty sure Patton did not call Logan a bitch."

"No... but it was damn well implied." Virgil smirked making Roman roll his eyes playfully. "I read between the lines. So? What happened?"

"Nothing. Honestly. Logan just didn't understand my thoughts and I couldn't explain it well enough for him to so... I left. That's nothing to be all worked up over." Roman turned to his desk, going to grab a pencil, only to freeze as Virgil took his hand. "Hun, I swear... nothing happened."

"Roman, I can feel something rolling off of you. I can't figure out what... but I can feel it. Are you sure you're ok?" Roman's eyes went dark as he just nodded making Virgil sigh and give up. "Are you still up for Date night?"

"Date night?" Roman blinked before shooting up out of his chair in a panic. "Shit, that was today?! Fuck!"

"You forgot?"

"I'm so sorry-..." Virgil shook his head, taking Roman's hands to quickly calm him down, as Roman whimpered sadly. 

"Do you still feel up for it? We don't have to do it tonight."

"No, I promised you a date night, Virgil. We're having our date night." Virgil's eyes narrowed giving Roman a serious glare that the prince just huffed at. "Just let me get dressed ok and then we'll go."

"Roman-..." Roman went to pull out of Virgil's hands, already moving to get ready, before Virgil stopped him and gently brushed under his eyes, feeling how puffed his skin was. "Roman... were you crying?"

"Of course not. When have I ever cried?" Roman laughed as he lightly pushed Virgil's hands away. "I told you nothing happened. Why would I lie about that?"

"I don't know... why would you?" Roman just sighed with a shake of his head as he gestured for Virgil to follow him out of the studio. 

"I am fine, Virgil. Nothing happened with Logan and I am ok. Now... Can I get dressed for this date or not?" Virgil grumbled as Roman opened their bedroom door letting Virgil collapse onto the bed. "Oh jeez... It's almost as if you don't want to go." Roman teased as Virgil just watched the man skim through the dressers.

"Of course, I want to go. I love our date nights. I just want to make sure that you're ok." Roman hesitated, his hands firmly gripping a shirt before finally pulling out with a small smile. "You don't look too good, Roman? You look like you've been crying and I still don't know why you were in that closet."

"I have no idea why I would look like I was crying and I was in the closet because I was looking for something-..."

"You didn't have anything when you came out of it." Roman just blinked as Virgil cut him off.

"I didn't find it." Roman shook his head as he grabbed some pants and started for the bathroom. "I'm going to take a quick shower since you're worried about how I look. Do you think you can wait until I get out?"

"Roman, I'm not in any rush to go to dinner. Just as long as you're sure you want to go." Roman smiled as he gave the other a quick nod, making Virgil holders relax. "Ok then. I'll drop it."

"Thank you, Virgil. I won't be long. Then we can go."

The Paws-some Anthology (Book 1 1/2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora