Chapter Ten

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B: Im fine

S: You sure?

Steve always that afterwards. Bucky was never really up front about his problems and always hiding his emotions. Sometimes he was a little too good at hiding. Bucky takes a little while to answer.

B: Yes. I'm going to bed a little early goodnight

Steve frowned. That text seemed a little forced so he quickly responds.

S: Bucky are you sure you're okay? You can talk to me about anything. Yk that right

B: Yea you say it all the time. Im just tired that's all :)

That reassures Steve a little and even though one side doesnt believe him he doesnt go too deep into the subject

S: Okay goodnight. Sleep well

Steve turns off his phone and charges it next to his bed. He thinks about what he's going to do tomorrow. Maybe Bucky and Nat were right. Was Peggy taken advantage of him? No, she couldn't, she was way too sweet. He's not gonna let his friends dictate who hem can and can't date..Wrapping himself in his blanket, he closes his eyes.

next day lmao

Bucky makes sure the bandages on his hand were secure and walks into the bathroom. He looks at the clothes he's wearing in the mirror for the party Carol was throwing tonight. Its been awhile since he actual dressed up for occasions like this. His hair and facial hair groomed, the clothes he was wearing was tighter than usual. You could see the shape of his body, which wasnt often since his clothes were always baggy. The bruise under his eye was going away as well. He thought he looked good and smiled a little. Bucky walks down and his smile immediately drops.

He stares at Brock's sleeping body on the couch and suddenly feels angry all over again. He wanted to hit him. Hit him until his knuckles bled. The thought of it was tempting. But he didn't want to be like Brock. He figured he'd confront him after the party. Bucky carefully walks out of the door now being outside. Walking to school, he tries to figure out a lie to tell Steve about his hand since he knew he was going to ask about it. Bucky knew the new bruises he was getting everyday was really suspicious. He decided to just try and hide his hand the entire day. Luckily, it was his least dominant hand he was punching the wall with. 

"Hey, Bucky!" He heard Steve yell from the street.

Bucky stuffs his hand in his pocket and turns to his left to see Steve in his car, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to pick you up."


"Bucky, get your ass in the car."

Bucky rolls his eyes but obliges with a huff, getting into the passengers seat next to Steve.

"What's with the attitude, Buck? Come on, talk to me." Steve says as he starts driving down the street.

As much as Bucky wanted to burst out into tears and cry in Steve's chest, he held it all inside, like he's been doing everyday for years. He musters up the strength to look even a little bright, "Steve, I'm fine okay?" 

Steve looks at him like he doesn't believe him, "Is this about me going out with Peggy instead of the party?"

Bucky almost forgot about that, his bright face goes grey again and he closes his eyes, "I don't care that you're getting your dick wet.. I just don't think she's good news."

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