Chapter Eleven

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TW - abuse, fighting and slight gore


Steve sat on Peggy's bed as she yapped about what she was going to do when she became class president. Out of boredom, he closes his eyes with his head hanging a little. He wonders if he should've went to the party with his friends. This wasn't exactly what Steve had in mind when he wanted to go out with her. Maybe this was just the beginning of their relationship and it was suppose to be boring? He wouldn't know, he's never been in one. He couldn't help but think about the incident at school, and that last minute glance he had at Bucky was enough to wanna ditch Peggy and have some fun with his friends.

"Are you sleeping?" Peggy asked.

Steve opens his eyes to see her arms crossed with an annoyed expression, "Oh.. No! Of course not, I was just thinking.."

"About your friends, I bet," She sighs and rolls her eyes, "If you're that bored, we could have some fun." 

"What kind of fun?" Steve asked. He was thinking about playing Xbox or a board game like monopoly, but he instantly knew what she meant when she starts unbutton her shirt. He blushes and swallows hard, "Oh.."


Bucky and the others enter the party. Blaring music fills the room while people drank and danced. It was slightly cramped since almost the entire senior class were in there.

"Alrighty, now where's the vodka?" Natasha says, cracking her fingers and smirking.

"Vodka?" Sam asked, "Like straight vodka?"

"Well, I'm Russian, what'd you expect?" She chuckles, walking over to the drinking table with all the assorted alcohol.

"Uh, I don't think drinking is a good idea," Bruce says worriedly.

"Look Brucie," Tony puts a hand on his shoulder, "Sometimes you have to be a dumb, rebellious teenager and say fuck it." 

"Fuck it. I guess?" Bruce says of uncertainty and follows Tony to where Natasha was.

Meanwhile, Bucky leans onto the wall,  trying not to think about the situation about Steve. He didn't know why it was stuck on his mind, and it seemed to hurt him the most out of all of the, for some reason.

"You still thinking about it?" Sam asked with a sigh.

Bucky doesn't answer, but Sam already knows the answer. 

"I told you to forget about it and let loose a little."

"I know but... he just frustrates me so damn much.."

"Again, it's not just you Buck, we're all frustrated at him. You really gonna let him ruin your day? He's probably not even having a good time himself, if anything I bet he regrets it. He'll be back with us soon."

"Fine, fine. I guess you're right, I came here to have fun and forget about Steve's dumbass."

"Good," Sam hands Bucky a cup that smells of alcohol.

Bucky looks down at it, "You tryna get me drunk?"

"I mean, it'll be fun."

The brunette puts the cup down, "Uh, I'll pass. Not getting drunk tonight." Only because he wanted to be sober if he wanted to confront Brock.

"Fine," Sam takes the cup from Bucky and sips it.

Bucky squints at something behind the other male, "Who the hell are they? I've never seen them before," Bucky looks over at a male with long golden hair and another male with black long hair looking annoyed.

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