Chapter One

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Warning: Implied rape and abuse.

"Stop it, I said get the fuck off of me!" Bucky cries out, trying to get out of the other man's grip as he was forced towards the dim bedroom, "I said I don't want to!"

"Well, you're fucking going to!" The man yelled, trying to push him through the hallways.

"I said no!" The teen growls in denial, and sinks his teeth into his hand.

The man's eyes widened, and he pushes Bucky towards the bedroom doorway. He looks at the deep bite marks on his hand, rubbing it to soothe the pain, "You little bitch."

Bucky stands up, and before he knew it, there was a strong hand around his neck, squeezing tightly, restricting his ability to breath.

"Get your ass in that room, or I will break your fucking neck. Understand?" He said, his angry eyes furious, showing that he was serious.

Tears well up in the helpless teens eyes and he nods frantically, afraid. The man keeps his hand on him, pushing his body on the mattress, Bucky laying on his back.

"Take it off," He let's go of his throat.

Bucky's shaky hands strips himself out of his clothing, his pale, naked body exposed to the man above.

"On your stomach. I don't wanna see your face."

Bucky obliges, tears of shame in his eyes from the feeling of weakness and explicitness.

"Yeah, that's right," The man said, his voice sexual and making Bucky shiver unpleasantly.

Bucky shuts his eyes at the sound of a zipper, gripping the pillow tightly, soaking it in silent tears. He let's himself get violated, like he let's himself get hurt everyday by everything. He told himself he would muster up the courage tell someone, anyone, but he just couldn't. This was all his fault. Bucky was only to blame. Bucky was a coward.


The tapping on the shoulder snaps the brunette out of his trance.

"What?" Bucky says with attitude in his voice, turning over to the shorter male behind him. He already wasn't in a good mood because of what took place last night.

"I-I did your homework," Bruce Banner said timidly, holding a couple of loose leaf papers up to him.

"Final-fucking-ly," He rudely snatches them away, earning a flinch from the boy with the glasses. He glances at them, before starting back down at him, "They better be the right answers, too."

"I promise, they are," Bruce assures with a nod, "I double checked them and everything."

"I didn't ask all of that," Bucky stuffs the bundle of papers in his backpack, "Alright, get outta here."

"Barnes, stop being such a dick," Tony Stark marches up, standing in front of Bruce, almost in an protective stance.

Bucky scoffs and ignores them.

"Statistics show that a lot of people who bully usually have some issues going on out of school. Low self-esteem, abuse.." Tony trails off, and then smiles sweetly, and mockingly, looking at the long haired male, "Are you getting abused at home, sweetheart?"

That hits something in Bucky, his heart beating fast, and his throat goes dry, stunned. Did Tony find out? No, he couldn't have. He doesn't know anything. No one should, "You don't know me, Stark." He tries to act tough, clenching his fists.

"You're right, and I don't plan to."

Bucky was still thinking about what Tony said. He started to feel small. But, he wasn't a bully, right? Bucky didn't think he was. He was only a little bossy, and a little tougher than most people. But he knew he was not a bully.

|| Love Me Better || (Stucky High School AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora