Chapter Three

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Things get a little bit dark.
Warning: physical/emotional abuse.


"Nng, I-I don't think I can hold it much longer.." Bucky strains, feeling as if he would break into sweats soon.

"You can take it," Steve said with a smirk, sounding a lot more content than Bucky.

"Ugh, oh god, I can't.." Bucky groans wearily, and let's go, his body falling onto the twister mat.

"It didn't look that hard," Tony scoffs, getting out of his position on the twister mat.

"You try holding your body in that weird ass position for five minutes," Bucky rolls off the mat as Steve steps off of it.

"Alright, who's next? I need three more people," Natasha asked, holding the spinner.

"I'll go," Clint volunteers, heading over to the mat.

"I didn't get a turn yet," Bruce said, going over to where Clint was.

Bucky relaxes on the couch, jolting a bit when he feels his phone vibrating in his pants for about the sixth time. He swallows hard. He knows it's Brock. He's already had three missed calls and he's messaged him about twelve times. Bucky checks the time and sees that it's almost an hour after ten. His hands shake, a tremor running down his spine and he nearly drops his phone. Bucky stands up, and starts walking upstairs.

"Where you going, Buck?" Steve sees him trying to sneak away.

"Just to the bathroom," Bucky tells him, sprinting up the stairs and into the bathroom, locking the door. His heart's beating at rate that could nearly be alarming. Bucky's shaky hands answer the phone and he holds it to his ear, "Hello-"

"Where the fuck are you?" His voice  was curt and low. His voice alone instantly struck fright into Bucky.

"I-I'm at a friend's house. My phone was dead, I forgot my charger, so I didn't get your calls but Steve let me use his charger and I just recently saw the missed calls and messages, I swear babe, I'm not lying Brock, believe m-"

"Stop fucking talking," Brock stops his slew of rambling lies and Bucky shut his mouth obediently, freezing in place, "I told you to come home at 10, you knew what the fuck you were doing."

"I know, I-I'm coming over right now, I swear," Bucky's voice nearly cracks, and he hates how feeble he sounds.

"You better. Don't think you're off the hook for disobeying me. You're gonna get what you deserve when you get back," Then he hangs up.

Bucky breathes in and out deeply, throat dry and mind racing. He quickly moves out of the bathroom, sprinting down the stairs and retrieving his jacket. Everyone's looking at him, wondering why he was so hasty.

"Bucky, where are you going?" He heard Steve's voice, filled with worry and curiousness.

"Yeah, where you off to?" Sam asked after.

Bucky turns around to face his friends, using the most false, realistic looking smile he attempted to use, "I'm going home, I kinda miss Brock," He uses every fiber of his being to say that without it sounding forced or laced with fear.

"Aw, man. We were having fun," Clint frowns.

"Yeah, sorry. I gotta run," Bucky says, not turning back as he tries to leave.

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