Chapter Nine

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"Wait, so you're actually going?" Bucky asked Steve for like, the fourth time, wondering if he heard right. It wasn't like him to just ditch his friends for a girl. Nat and Bucky were lounging in Steve's room while he was looking in his closet for something to wear.

Steve sighed, getting tired of the question, "Yes, Bucky. I'm going with her."

"You have every other opportunity to get in her pants. I know she gets around," Nat scoffed, "But it's not every day Carol Danvers throws a party, and inviting damn near the whole school."

"Guys, it's just some party, what's so important about it?"

"We're going and that's why," Natasha said, "Like we are all your friends you trust, but you're willing to ditch us for some prissy bitch?"

"Its not really that deep. Im with you guys all the time."

"I know you can't be this fuckin' stupid," Bucky crosses his arms, "Seems like you letting this girl run your life."

"I'm not..  Okay, but honest opinion. Can you tell me which color you think Peggy would like?" Steve holds up the exact same shirt but one's blue and the other's red.

The tattoeed teen rolls his eyes when Steve obviously just proved his point, "Christ, the blue one.."

Steve raises a brow, "You sure? Actually I'll just ask Peg herself." He pulls out his phone and starts texting her.

"When did you get her number?" The redhead asked.

"It was after lunch."

Bucky leans in and sees he has Peggy's name saved as "Peg💖". It was something so simple, and he was 99% sure that they weren't gonna be a couple yet it still bugged him for some reason. His name didn't have a heart or any emoji yet he knew him for years. He was just saved as "buckaroo".

"Why do you have a heart next to her name?" Bucky asked in a slightly lower tone than his normal voice. It kinda comes out as possessive. It alarms the blond a little.

Steve gave him a look, "Why do you care?"

Bucky's face reddened when he realizes how envious he sounds., "I was just asking.. Y'all ain't even together."

"A guy can dream, Buck.. Oh, she said blue! I guess I'm wearing the blue one."

"Yeahh, Bucky's totally right. You letting her run your life." Nat remarked.

"You guys are looking too deep into this like I can'tt just hang out with you guys every other day.." Steve's smile falters as he puts the blue shirt in his dresser and hangs the red back in the closet, "If anything, you guys are trying to run my life. Guilt tripping me into doing what I don't wanna do.."

"Oh my god, Steve.." Bucky stands up and looks at him, "That's not what we meant. We just dont want you to be taken advantage of that's all."

"Well, I don't feel taken advantage of-"

"A lot of people don't know when they're getting manipulated," Bucky says a little too fast. Just because he knows how it feels to realize he's getting manipulated and ignoring the earlier signs.

"Can't you guys just be actual friends and respect my decisions.. I'm not asking you guys to kiss her ass or anything like that.. but just accept the fact that we're going on a date. Please?"

There's no reasoning with stubborn Steve so they just let it go, even though really they wanted to, "Fine.. Welp, Im going home so I can pick out my clothes for tomorrow. Gotta look good. Goodnight y'all," Natasha jumps up with her backpack and waves as she leaves, the boys say goodbye as well.

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