Chapter Four

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Carolyn's Pov
I kept my head pressed firmly on the window in the back seat of the taxi, my grip tight on Daisy, staring at all the passing buildings and scenery. It was all a fast blur across my heavy eyes, As much as I wanted it to be true, I hadn't gotten much sleep to the days leading to Friday, which meant I was more likely to pass out from exhaustion and anxiety then anything.

I glanced down inside my purse where the birth certificate was, now or never I guess. It was a couple more fast minutes before the taxi was stopping outside a large building.

"Here we are miss." I handed the driver a few twenties, holding Daisy on my hip stepping out the taxi, a low wow leaving my mouth as I stared at it. They had a lot of artists that's for sure. I sleepy blinked before I felt like my feet were frozen under me. And the heavy set grey hoodie I was wearing wasn't helping with the deep sweats clinging to my body.

After a few minutes I finally started walking inside lightly pushing the revolving door open up the fresh scent hitting me all over looking around the lobby, there was no way I could ever get passed the front desk. Just a gut feeling but it was worth a try.

I walked over to the front desk while Daisy was babbling grabbing at the large puff ball on my head. "Hi uhh so I don't really know who to speak to umm explain this." I chuckled exhaling.

"BVB's manager Dan yeah, can you just see if he came come down please?" I pleaded the lady looked rude from first glance, but her expression seemed to soften as she unhook the phone quickly speaking into it.

"He'll be down soon." I lifted Daisy up more it felt like my heart was ringing into my ears but I watched a white male come down from the elevators in confusion, before he was walking towards me.

"Hello... Woah you look really young what's the matter?" He questioned to me a little confused. The lump seemed stuck inside my throat before I spoke, but I felt weak and light headed.

"I... My name is Carolyn.. And I'm the girl that had the.. You know... Incident with Andy last year.. I just need to see him, her birth certificate is in my purse." I held a tight grip on her but it felt like everything was rushing past me fast and rough like. My eyes felt odd to like they were moving.

"Woah! Rose call 911!" The yell was loud but I felt him grab Daisy quickly holding her in his grip.

Andy's Pov
"I don't even like runs Juliet we could be swimming in our penthouse." I jogged behind Juliet who was letting a soft laugh out at me before she was spinning around gazing at me playful.

"You promised me we wouldn't hide our life away in the penthouse, plus you said you needed your head at ease." A faint smile crept its way over my lips. It's true I just needed a clear mind, and Juilet seemed to enjoy runs.

My phone started going off in my pants making me halt to scoop my phone up. "Let me take this, I'll catch up." I called to her which she waved me off nodding. I panted deeply still out of breath,  I held my phone closely.

"Yeah what's up?" I called confused at to why Dan was calling me. There was a lot of loud background noises surroundings him, sounded like a lot of ambulances and a faint baby cry.

"Andy listen this is like the most serious thing ever, a young girl showed up today at the record label she looked a little young around eighteen at least... I got her name briefly but she was very stressed and passed out almost dropping her baby... Andy the birth certificate says your last name on it."

I held my breath, almost like my ears were ringing a bit, I knew it was no consequence that I saw her the other night after that concert, I just thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But I could never forget those large curls of hers, the large brown eyes and that pretty brown skin of hers.

"My last name... What did she say before she passed out, I'm on my way there, just tell me when." I called out.

"All she said was she was the girl from the tour bus last year, she told me the baby's birth certificate was in her purse and so I noticed her voice was slurring I managed to catch the baby before she fell, and I'm at the hospital," I felt the heaviness in my chest.

"On my way, just tell me the hospital name..."

Carolyn (Andy Biersack Bwwm) Where stories live. Discover now