Chapter 4

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        The sunset fell under the night sky and the wind rose up just about when the dark figure appeared.

"You took your time" I shivered.

Despite it being the middle of the spring it was rather cold in the evening, my warm sweater didn't help me.

"Sorry, I got lost" Jean scratched his neck. "Are you cold?"

"I'm alright" My eyes looked into his "Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Anywhere as long as you're with me." Jean smirked.

"Stop flirting."

"I'm not." His mouth let out a small gasp.

"Mhm" I murmured.

Eventually I gave Jean a few options: The abandoned museum, the park and a small garden in the town's centre. The idea to visit an abandoned museum fascinated him so we headed there. As we walked through the dark streets with no light insight, I found myself being anxious over every figure that seemed more dark. Jean noticed my paranoia and told me not to worry, he said he has pepper spray. That made me laugh and it released the tension that I didn't know was there.

"Jean, why did you move here?" I suddenly felt myself asking.

"Anything but this question." He looked down.

"I'm just very curious, it was unexpected."

Jean looked ahead of him and we continued walking, only this time it was silent. After a few good minutes of walking we stepped into the forest, since there was a small track, we didn't walk in one line. Suddenly we stood in front of a huge white building, the moonlight perfectly covered the museum, revealing its beauty.

"Shall we go in?" I asked him.

"Sure, but before that..." Jean handed me his jacket.

"Are you not cold?"

"No, but you are." His eyes shone and for a second I could swear I saw the moon reflecting on his eyes.

The jacket was very comfy and it smelled of apples and freshly baked pies. I looked at Jean's tall posture and whispered him thanks. Then we walked in the museum, though it was a challenge because we had to climb over a broken window, however we made it inside. The walls were painted with graffiti and there were tons of strange papers laying around. In the next room we found a cardboard sheet that we decided to sit on.

"Can I smoke in front of you?" He asked.

I turned my head to him holding a cigarette in one hand and the lighter in another.

"Sure." I replied.

He lit his cigarette and slowly inhaled the toxic nicotine. No matter how much I hated the smell of it or even the sight of it, somehow it suited him and I wasn't mad about it.

"Give me one," I demanded. Jean only stared at my facial features and didn't say anything, his brown eyes stared into my soul and made me feel weird. "Please"

He ignored my words and put out his cigarette by rubbing it on the wall.

"No," He answered. "It's bad for your health," Jean smirked.

"I don't care"

Now we were both smiling at each other, his eyes never leaving my face and scanning every little detail about it. "But I care"

I turned away from him and tried stopping myself from smiling even wider.

My brother Kai called me an hour after we left the museum, he was freaking out about me not being home.

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