Chapter 8

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I wake up, and the first thing I feel is a dull ache in my ass, which only intensifies as the seconds tick by. Despite the pain, I feel completely satisfied, with no regrets in the world.

I, Daniel Simmons, am no longer a virgin.

I look down at the covers across my body, and I feel Eli's arms around me and my head on his chest. I look up and I see him still peacefully sleeping.

This ass knocked that nigga out.

I smiled to myself knowing that his dick had the same affect on me, I can't help but giggle softly.

"What's so funny?" Eli's sleepy voice asks, his eyes still closed.

"Nothing." I say, kissing his chest. "Thank you, Eli."

Eli scoffs. "Diggy I feel like I should be thanking you. I ain't never came so hard in my life."

"Maybe because you've never hit somebody raw before." I say.

His eyes open, and he's looking at me, and I see something in his eyes that makes my heart melt, a look of pure adoration, like I'm the only thing he's ever wanted in life.

To be honest, I feel like he's the only thing I've ever wanted too.

"Maybe," He says. "Or maybe because our bodies were made for each other."

"That too." I say with a smile. "I have another question."

"How did you know how to have... you know gay sex so well?" I ask. "I mean, I know you've never done it with a guy before."

"Well when I turned 18 my friend set me up on a job, I got there and they gave me the worst position which is the sex therapist so..." Eli says. " Its my job to know all types of sex, and plus it pays well so I took the job."

"Maybe you can show me your tricks one day."

"I'm gonna need more than one day." Eli says, rolling me beneath him and ravaging my neck with open mouthed kisses. I giggle, with my hands running down his muscular back. I wince slightly when I shift I feel the soreness in my ass again.

"you sore?" He asked looking down at me.

I nod my head. "But it was all worth it."

Eli smiles before pressing his lips to mine. we kiss for a while before Eli pulls away from me.

"We were up till 2:30 in the morning last night." Eli said with a smirk. "But it's now the 1:15 and I have a party to get to."

Eli grins and kisses me again, and then stands up. He continues to kiss me as he gets dressed.

"But I don't want to go." Eli says as I stand up on my knees on the bed and walk to the edge where he's standing. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wraps his hands around my waist. "I wish I could lay here with you forever."

"We both know that can't happen." I say.

"I know." Eli says, kissing me again. "Listen if we're gonna make this work, I'm gonna have to keep you as secret as possible. Not just because I'm a guy and you're a guy, but because I know my friends really don't like you and they are dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt.... or worse. I would never be able to forgive myself."

I smile at him. "I understand, Eli. I'm willing to do whatever, just as long as I can call you mine.

"Hey you hungry?" He asked. "I really have a taste for pancakes."

"Yeah." I respond.

Eli smiles back at me, kisses me once more, and then pulls away from me. "Alright, well I guess I'll make breakfast."

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