Chapter 50

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I cut my blasting music down as I step out of the shower and I see that my skin is fresh and clean but also wrinkly from sitting in the shower for 2 hours.

I hear Rocky barking and keeping up a whole bunch of noise. I quickly put some clothes and I go to see what is the issue. I make my way down the stairs and I see Rocky standing at the bottom. He ran off and I followed him through the kitchen to the living room where I saw my glass coffee table broken.

I immediately ran into Marcel's room ad he was crying. I called for Diggy but I got no response. As I walked out of Marcel's room I heard a bang at my door. I opened the door and I saw Avery coming in with a worried face.

"Eli...Eli please its bad." She spoke grabbing my shirt.

"Slow down Avery what the hell is going on?" I asked her.

"They got Diggy Eli." She spoke as she caught her breath.

"Wait who?" I yelled.

"Derek and his gang. At the old hotel that they just closed down. Hes there." Avery replied.

"Oh fuck no." I said as I handed her Marcel.

"Im coming with you." She said.

"No." I yelled. "Please I cant loose anymore people stay here and take care of him."

I rushed out of the door I didn't have a shirt on I just zipped a jacket over me. I grabbed my keys and flew out of the door. It was starting to aggravate me how this keeps happening to me.

I saw a car fly into my parking lot with its bright lights on. I saw a figure coming towards me and I saw Drew approaching me. I just rolled my eyes and opened that door to my car.

"Eli wait, we need to talk." He said.

"I don't want to talk to you, deal with you, see you, or have anything to do with why oh you." I replied.

"Come on bro, Im sorry I messed up. Forgive me please just talk to me. I wanna make it right. Can we just talk?" He questioned.

"I don't have time for this Drew." I said angry.

"Eli." Drew said grabbing my arm.

I just looked into his eyes and I felt nothing but hatred.

"You're dead to me." I spoke as he looked at me with shock.

I just got in my car and pulled off into the distance with a lot of things on my mind. I really only thought about Diggy. I just hoped that they didn't hurt him or kill him. I grabbed my gun out of my glove compartment and placed it on my lap.

I pulled up to the abandoned building and I quickly exited my car. I walked up to the building and I saw figures standing in the window on the highest floor. I walked in and I went to the elevator and I pressed the button and the elevator wouldn't budge. I banged on it out of frustration.

I ran to the stairs and I saw the blood stains on the stairs. I rushed up to the 12th floor of the hotel and I got to the floor and I looked down the hallway and I heard voices talking and I ran trying to hear the voices.

I heard a muffled cry and I opened the doors of the rooms and I would see nothing. I got to one door and twisted the handle and it wouldn't open. I shot the handle off the door and kicked the door down. I walked in the room. The curtains and the carpet looked torn and I heard whispers but as I looked in the rooms no one was there.

I got down to the master bedroom of the suite and I heard chains rattle. I saw a beat up Diggy struggling and yelling through the fabric tied around his mouth. I took a step to go help me and he yelled with all his strength and i felt a puncher in my side and I dropped to my side.

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