Chapter 1

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Welcome to this chapter, less talking. On with the chapter.

The year is 2012, Both Scott and Crystal are 16 (they was born in 1996)


Crystal's POV:

I'm so late, First day of lessons and i'm late, dumb uncle and his actions. I run straight to my first lesson, Physics. I knock on the door and the teacher says come in.

I walk in "oh You must be Miss Rivers, did you get lost dear?" The teacher, Mrs Smith asks and i nod. "take a seat next to Mr Tracy, he is the one doodling." I nod and go to sit down. The boy, introduces himself as Scott, i say my name and then we do the work.

After class i try and find my way to English, my least favorite class. "Hey Crystal, need help getting to your next class" Scott says as he walks next to me. I nod and tell him what class i'm in.

"Mrs Jackson, i'm in that class as well." he smiles and i smile back. We get to the class and it goes smoothly then i thought it would.

"Class project time. the pairings are Mr-" Mrs Jackson says and i tune her out, until i hear my name "Miss Rivers and Mr Tracy you will be doing Romeo and Juliet." I nod and write down some stuff.


Scott's POV:

So, the new girl, Crystal, looks nice as a friend. Class ends and i give Crystal my number, 'to meet up about the project' i go to my other classes and then i meet up with Crystal. "Your place or mine?" I ask and she immediately says 'yours', ok, i wonder why.

"can you deal with a 6 year old, a 10 year old, 12 year old and a 14 year old. My brothers will be annoying" I give her the warning.

"It will be fine, and if you ask why i said yours, its because i live with an uncle who i hate, my parents died in a fire last year, my father got me out before going to get my mum, but they died. As soon as i can move from my uncle i will." Crystal says as she wipes a tear, was she abused by her uncle? I get an idea. We go to my place and we are immediately bombarded by my siblings.
I see her smile at the house, like its homely to her, i ask the question "if you don't mind me asking, who's your uncle?" i get a very quick reply 'Peter Rivers'. She is fully introduced to the family and i say that i will meet her in the lounge, just need to talk to my dad.
She nods and gets pulled by Gordon to the lounge, i warned her. I walk to my dads office and knock on the door before walking in.
I explain my idea and the reasoning and dad says "I have to meet her first." I nod and we both walk to the lounge, only to find the 4 normally super hyper kids are all relaxed and listening to Crystal, who is reading a story. "Yes but wait for a bit" Dad whispers to me but I couldn't even react, i'm just staring at an angel. "son, your thunderstruck"

I shake my head to snap out of it, gods i fell for an angel. "Let's get that English project going shall we." I say while my dad laughs, i glare.
We get the project done and have food, i offer to walk Crystal home since she does not live to far from where we are.
She nods and we start walking, much to my brothers disappointment. "My brothers like you a lot" I say to Crystal and she just smiles and then walks into her home.


*A year later*

I'm going to tell her. Over the last year i have fallen more in love with the goddess called Crystal.

I invite her round mine and she says ok, phase one done, phase two make sure dad and my brothers don't start singing 'Scott is Thunderstruck' or 'Crystal and Scott sitting in a tree'.
We walk home and i make a drastic decision to do it. "Hey Crystal, i know we are close to mine b-" I say, but before i could finish i feel something soft on my lips, i'm shocked when i see Crystal is kissing me. She pulls away. Before i could kiss back 😥
"you probably don't like me like that but i couldn't hold it back anymore, it's ok if you don't want to s-" she rambles and i cut her off by grabbing her waist lightly and kissing her, she kisses back.
We stay like that for a while till, sadly, we have to breath, "so what does this mean" I hold her close.
"Be mine please, be my girl" I say as i place my head on hers. I hope she says yes.
"Of course, Yours till the end" She says as i smile and kiss her again, before she pulls away and pulls me to my place.
"Pre-warning my brothers and father will sing Scott is Thunderstruck." I say as i hold the door open and she smiles before walking in, i follow, gods this girls got me whipped. I ask my dad about my idea, from last year, again.

"when we go to our new home after graduation and you go to the air force and she goes to her college, then ask her." Dad says and i start asking about the new home, but i get distracted by Gordon running over.

"John and Virgil were fighting and Crystal told them to stop because Alan is crying, and John threw a punch and it hit Crystal and she fell onto the ground, shes not moving." Gordon says as tears fall.
I run to Crystal and i hold her close as i hold the cloth to her head which is bleeding.
"I'm sorry Virgil provoked me, we should of listened to her." John says and i nod understanding, knowing Crystal would probably tell me to forgive. I hear a groan and i look down.

"It's ok i have had worse" Crystal says as she sits up. I panic. She's had worse!
"Crystal you need to take it slow, you have a cut." Dad says and she just replies with 'i have had worse, plus it will heal' i look at her.
"I know you don't like talking about your uncle but does he abuse you?" It would explain some bruises on her neck a month ago. She pales and nods before telling us not to tell, he hurt her, i can't let him keep doing it. After a while she goes home.
Only for me to see cuts and bruises on her the next day. I tell my dad and he says to keep him posted, my family likes Crystal and for that i'm glad.

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