Chapter 6

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Welcome to this chapter! Enjoy! DONT PLAY SONG YET!


Scott's POV:

I hold Crystal close as the Man says her name. "How long since i saw you, 10 years was it?" the man asks. "Mullion, care to get that man away from my niece." Mullion nods and smiles before Parker steps in front of him with Virgil. Crystal's uncle!

"Not happening" Virgil says as Parker punches Mullion, who screams about his nose.

"Transom" Peter says, the girl, Transom nods and runs but gets kicked By Lady P and Tin-Tin at the same time.

Crystal moves closer and i go with her. I want to help my family "Scott help your dad and Gordon with Peter. Alan go to Virgil. Crystal says, im reluctant to go but she tells me to
"So Crystal hows mummy and daddy? oh wait they are dead, that fire was tragic, all it took was some matches and petrol, and boom goes my brother and sister in law" Peter says as Crystal picks up a rod.
"Keep your hands off her" I shout before running at him and flooring him.


Crystal's POV:

"Transom, remember me" I say as i hit her in her stomach with the rod "little minx or you are so dead?" Transom looks at me and before it hits her, she gets double punched in the head by Lady P and Tin-Tin "remind me to never piss you two off" they just smile.

I throw the rod to Parker and he uses it to fight Mullion. I hear clapping "No gymnastic tricks Crystal, or your angelic voice." Peter says as he gets up, pushing Scott of him, and i face him, Lady P says her and Tin-Tin have Transom under control. I nod and walk over to where there is space between me and my uncle.

"You are psycho, you know that" I say and he laughs wickedly. "what do you want" He looks at me.

"Why, i came here for you." Peter says, my face reads 'he's distracted attack now' i see Scott nod. I do an 'up yours' jester at Peter. Jeff and Gordon Kick him in his back and Scott pins him down. I look at Lady P and i mouth 'i need to end this' she nods and i walk over.

She passes me a small gun and says it has 3 bullets. I nod and shoot one in Transom's head before walking over to a knocked out Mullion and do the same thing.

"what are you doing Crystal dear" Peter says as i walk over, i give Scott a nod and he turns Peter over, tells Jeff and Gordon to grab peter's feet and Virgil to grab one of peter's arms. "Doctors don't do this" I look at him, my face showing no emotions.

"I do if I'm protecting my family, all 13 of them" I say as i point the gun at  Peter's head. "and no one will ever harm them." Peter starts to struggle.

"Crystal, think about this, we are family" Peter says and everyone's grip tightens on him.

"your a killer, an abuser and a trespasser, You lost the title of a family member when you started to abuse me." i say as i shoot him. I drop the gun as i see that he goes limp, Scott immediately lets go of Peter and hugs me. 

"Crystal, thank you, but was shooting them necessary" Jeff says, i look at him.

"did you want them escaping prison, we would all be waiting for them to attack, that and he killed my parents, and he wanted to harm all you." I say, my face drops a bit, before walking to my room.


Scott's POV:

"Really Dad, make her feel like shit why don't you" I say and Dad just stands there. "she had to end it or Peter would of tried something. She had to pick between her family getting hurt or ending it" 

"I'm sorry" Dad says as i drag the bodies to the jungle and bury them before walking back to the house and go for a shower then to Skye.

I hear Crystal crying and i hug her. "your dad hates me, your brothers might hate me." She says and i just look at her. 

"we don't hate you." We hear my brothers say as they come in carrying some food and water, John appears on Skye's tablet, i move and my brothers, that are on Earth, hug her. She starts to eat a bit of food.

"Me and Parker don't hate you, nor does Fermat or Tin-Tin, or Tin-Tin's parents." Lady P says and Crystal just smiles. Everyone leaves and Dad walks in, i glare at him.  "If your here to be mean and rude to Crystal, don't" Lady P glares at Dad as she walks out and goes home.

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