Chapter 3

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welcome to a new chapter! Enjoy!


Scott's POV:

An alarm blares. Me and Gordon are sitting on the floor, Dad is standing in front of us. Without warning the heat exchanger blows up with significant force.

Me, dad and Gordon are caught in the blast. Dad is blown right over to where John is sitting by the control panels.

"Scott, Gordon, you okay?" Dad says as he crawls back over to us.

"We're okay." Gordon says

i start to cough and i extend a hand upwards. Both Gordon and Dad help him up. "The heat exchanger's blown." I say as i lean on Gordon.

"You don't say." Dad says before he starts to laugh a bit "Crystal is going to have all our heads, except John, your safe from her wrath." we all start to laugh a bit.

"Yer but dad, Scott will get it more then us, specially when she hears he was caught up in the blast" Virgil says as i glare at him and do an 'up yours' jester.
"We just won't tell her, Scott don't do that" John says and i just stick my tongue out.
John is sitting by the control panel, as i look at the ring. I hope she likes it.We are all minding our business when we hear "Dad?"
"It's Alan." John says as the rest of us run over.

"Dad?" Alan says

"Alan, where are you? Are you safe?" Dad asks

"I'm at the satellite relay station with Fermat and Tin-Tin." Alan says We all smile, they are safe, my smile fades as i notice Crystal is not there, "Fermat's going to hack into the main computer system and give control of Thunderbird Five back to you."

"We're standing by." Dad says
"Okay, we're almost there." We all hear Fermat say.
"Alan? do you know if Crystal is ok?" I ask
"She was tied to a chair in dads office before we escaped. We don't know anything more, sorry Scott." Alan says, i nod before walking off and punching a wall, Virgil walks over and stops me, calming me down, not going to work. I walk back over with a little thing for Alan.

"Alan, make sure she's safe, and when you see her tell her i love her" I say as a tear falls. I might not make it back.
"I will, and you will be able to say it to her." Alan says and i nod.


Crystal's POV:

Transom straddles Brains and takes off his glasses. I fake barf. Apparently i'm invisible.

"Goodness me, Professor, you're so good looking without your glasses on. I think you may find that's another thing we have in common." Transom says and she takes off her glasses, ew no she does not look nice without her glasses, or with her glasses. "Pretty." She leans in to kiss Brains, who tries to move away. Alarms beep. Thank god.

"Unauthorised transmission." the computer says, not thank god

"Oh, now that's not fair, just when things were starting to sizzle." Transom says she gets up and looks at the computer. 

"Hey why don't you aloud it, just in case its to stop police from finding you." I say and she glares at me and puts her glasses back on. The hood walks in.

"Unauthorised transmission." The computer says, we know! jeez.

"A burst of transmission from the Island satellite station, should I jam it?" Transom asks, i panic

"And give Mullion the coordinates." the hood says and Transom nods, before getting in contact with Mullion.

"Take the main track south-east and head up Satellite hill." Transom tells Mullion. Dam you woman.


Scott's POV:

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