Chapter 4

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Welcome to this chapter Enjoy!


Crystal's POV:

We arrive at Jubilee Gardens. "Set us down, boys." I say

"Initiate landing, Fermat."  Alan says

"Right." Fermat says as he starts the landing sequence

"Three-point landing sequence initiated." the computer says as Thunderbird One turns towards Jubilee Gardens.

"Retros to 75, flaps to 16." Alan says and Fermat nods.

"F.A.B." Fermat says as he does that.

Alarms beep. "Danger, landing sequence, error." The computer starts to say

"You're going too fast." Fermat says

"Thanks. Retros to 90." Alan says as he changes the retros, Thunderbird One lands with a few bumps before screeching to a halt.

"Textbook, boys." I say as we all get out of Thunderbird 1 "the monorail needs to be sorted, go to Thunderbird 2 and help" They nod and run off, a cop comes up to me and i fill them in, with as much detail i can give.

"So, your saying a bald man, called The Hood, found your base and is trying to make chaos and have it all blamed on you guys" the cop says and i nod, he understands. Thank the lord above.

I walk to the bridge and i see that Thunderbird 2 approaches the monorail, the rail holding the cart up, breaks and the cart falls into the river and sinks as the support post crashes down on it. I see Thunderbird 4 launches. Come on.


Scott's POV:

"Brains, come in, what's the situation?" Dad says as we are making our way to London, in Thunderbird 3.

"The Hood had caused a major disaster with The Mole. The mono-mon-mono-mon... one track railway is down in the Thames." Brains says

"Where's Thunderbird One?" Dad asks.

"It's on the ground. The k-k-kids are in Thunderbird Two." Brains says and i'm relieved, my Thunderbird is safe, Virgil pales.

"F.A.B., we're right behind them." Dad says, i make sure i have the ring as Thunderbird 3 makes it to London. 

We land in Jubilee Gardens and run to the rails and look at the Thames, where there is 3 ships circling the area, where the monorail went down, alarms wail. I feel someones hand on mine, i turn and see it's Crystal, I smile.

"Look" A man says as the monorail and Thunderbird 4 raises out the water, in between the search boats, We all cheer and people join in. I pull Skye into a kiss, she happily returns it.

"Yeah! Way to go Alan!" Gordon says and we all run over to Festival Pier. Alan and Tin-Tin run up the steps to meet us.

"Glad you could finally join us." Alan says and dad hugs him.

"Hey, don't go getting cocky after one mission. We still have a dangerous situation here. I need you boys to close down this accident scene. Tin-Tin, go get Fermat, meet us at Thunderbird One." Dad says and Tin-Tin nods "Alan, you come with me."

A cop walks over "we have it under control, go get the hood" We nod, but dad insistent that we stay, I look at Crystal, who is checking on Gordon, and i see she is a little ticked off.

"Jeff. We are all going with you, the hood has powers that can hurt people, and i have some unfinished business with the hood" Crystal says as she finishes checking on us all. Dad nods and we all go to the bank of London to help Lady P.


Crystal's POV:

"Hey dad... that stuff The Hood said, about you leaving him to die, he was lying right?" Alan asks, everyone looks at Jeff as we land all the Thunderbirds outside the bank.
"No. You see you can't save everyone, Alan. It doesn't matter how hard you try or how brave you are. It doesn't even matter if it's someone you love. Someone you'd give up your life in a second to save. You just can't save everyone." Jeff says as he looks down.
"What was mom like?" Alan asks, Jeff looks at Alan.
"She was a lot like you." Jeff says and Alan smiles. "Come on, we've got a job to do." We nod and run out and into the Bank
"Hi Parker" I say as i run past him and he runs in with us.
"Miss Rivers" Parker says as he tips his hat to meWe all get into the bank and stop. "you guys stay here with Parker. I'm gonna go find Lady Penelope." Jeff says before he runs off. Really
"But what about The Hood? Why does he do this" Alan says, i shrug, before taking charge.
"Gordon, Virgil" I say and they look at me "take Alan, since i know he will not stay put, and go help your dad. He will clearly need help." They nod and both of them, including Alan, all run after Jeff. Scott looks at me and i indelicate to Fermat and Tin-Tin.

We all look Parker and i pale. i hear Scott crack his knuckles. "look out Parker!" Fermat says as Mullion appears behind them.
"Don't move." Mullion says and we all run forwards. Transom appears. we stop. Parker holds his fists up.
"Go on then." Transom says as she copies his stance.
Parker lowers his fists. "No, sorry, I can't hit a lady." He says
I tell Tin-Tin to go to Alan, she looks confused but i point at her necklace, my face reads 'i think you know what to do' She nods before running off, Transom goes after her, hell no.
"Hey red head" i say and Transom turns and looks at me, i run at her and i kick her in the stomach hard "keep up if you can, Scott Give Mullion hell." Scott nods and i run off, Transom follows
"Get back here." Transom says as i keep running.

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