Chapter 5

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Welcome to this chapter. Enjoy


Crystal's POV: *the day after the engagement and the hood situation*

I wake up next to Scott, who just kisses my head, as the bedroom door opens, i hold my screams in as Scott covers me. "Learn to knock! What do you want Virgil?" Scott says glaring 

"Breakfast lovebirds." Virgil says before running off. Oh he's dead. Scott gets up and gets dressed, i follow suite but instead of my normal shorts i put a dress on. Scott's jaw drops. I smile.

"babe do we have to go to breakfast, and dam you look good in a dress

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"babe do we have to go to breakfast, and dam you look good in a dress. Defiantly a goddess" Scott says, i smile and give him a peck on the cheek before i make him get dressed and then pull him to the breakfast, he pouts and groans.

"Your girl is hungry and she needs to have a word with that rude brother of yours, he needs to knock next time, he could of walked in on us doing it" I say and Scott laughs a bit, but he pales and stops when i glare at him.
I walk to the kitchen holding hands with Scott, we hear Virgil talking, i let go of Scott's hand and walk to Virgil, slamming my hand down on the table next to him, scaring him a tad. GOOD!
"Ok Paint head. The next time you want to wake us up, knock on the door. Also, talk about it all you want, i just won't help you when your injured." I say, Everyone except Virgil laughs, Vigil just pales.
"No fair" Virgil says, i smile grab a plate of food and i sit down.

"Wait till you get a girl, hey hold up and rewind, who is Courtney?" I ask and Virgil pales and starts stuttering.

Everyone smiles and i see Gordon giving Jeff some money, before he glares at me, Jeff smiles and mouths a thank you. Scott just laughs at Virgil.
"How did you- She's a girl i met and er" Virgil says before he stutters more.

"Oh Virgil Grissom Tracy, you need to close your door when you say 'love you Courtney, can't wait to see you'" I say and he pales more when i use his full name.

I smile as Jeff tells Alan and Gordon that they are on pool cleaning duty, they groan and start protest, i sigh and Jeff looks at me, mouthing help. I nod, Scott and Virgil smirk.
"Gordon Cooper Tracy and Alan Shepard Tracy you will clean the pool or your favorite stuff will mysteriously disappear, do you both understand" I say and they pale and nod, before they carry on eating.
"ok you know my brother's middle names whats mine" John asks and i smirk, he pales "i shouldn't of asked"

"it's John Lenny" I say and he smiles before he jumps up cheering and saying 'she doesn't know it haha she doesn't know it!', oh i do dear johnny boy.

I smirk "John Glenn Tracy keep swinging that arm and you will hurt it even more" He stops and pales, everyone laughs as i eat.


Scott's POV:

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