chapter 1

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Hana's POV

I've liked the same boy since my last year of elementary school, but I've never even had the nerve to try and confess my feelings to him nor have I even tried to talk to him. Maybe I'm just too shy to? Maybe, but that seems like the only true reason to why I haven't. 

Oh! His name? Ah, it's Kim Junkyu. He's been in the same class as me since elementary school. I somehow feel like it's destiny that I keep ending up in the same class as him. That sounds cringey, doesn't it?  He's in my school, Hyerim Arts Academy's music department and is a talented singer. Did I mention that he's quite the looker too? 

"Hana!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. Running towards me, I noticed who it was right away. It was my best friend Park Suah. She's a year older than me, but we've been best friends for as long as I can remember. We happen to be in the same class because her birthday is later than any of the other kids that recently graduated."There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Suah took me into a warm and tight embrace, then continued, "Did you hear about that cute new trainee under Bingo being a student here at Hyerim? Apparently, rumors have been circulating online that he's in our class!" Suah let out a loud fangirl squeal, alerting everyone else who was walking or talking in the hallway. "Also, why are you moping around again? Hana, you do remember the promise you made at the start of our first year here right?"

Flashback, two years ago. Hyerim Arts Academy's first year opening ceremony.

After the commencement speech from the school's principal Mr. Seo was given, all of the students were finally able to sit in their seats. I took my seat next to my best friend Park Suah. "Hana, have you decided yet?" She whispered to me. 

"Have I decided what yet?" I asked of her, whispering back. I was awfully curious to what she had meant. 

"Have you decided to confess to Junkyu yet?"  

"Huh?"  My face brimmed with a blush pink color at the slightest mention of Junkyu's name. "N-No! I haven't decided yet,"

"Come on, Hana! You've liked him since elementary school and you've been in the same class as him since then. Don't you think that it's destiny that brought you two together? Well, you probably won't know if it is destiny unless you confess to him,"

"Suah, I can't possibly..."

"Yes you can, Hana! I believe in you!"

That day, I promised myself that I would change my shy personality and blossom into the type of person I wanted to become. I wanted to be someone who was confident, someone who is confident in confessing to the boy she likes. Someone that Junkyu would like... I want to be that person he would fall for.

Flashback end. Present day.

"It's not like I forgot, Suah..." My voice trailed off as I adjusted my glasses and slowly looked up at my best friend. "I just- I just don't know how on earth I'm supposed to confess to Junkyu. It seems so hopeless, don't you think? After all, he's one of the most handsome boys in our class... Err... Maybe even the whole academy..." Exhaling, Suah and I walked into our classroom as soon as the bell had rung. The rest of the day passed by me as if it was some type of blur, and before I knew it, the school day had ended. Suah and I took the bus back to our homes, with Suah getting off at her proper stop, leaving me as the only passenger left in the bus. 

I noticed someone get on before the front doors of the bus would close. He was rather tall and dressed in all black attire. "Aish!" the bus driver yelled as he was originally going to close the doors but the boy was able to scoot in just in time. "Next time, pay attention before I close the doors on you, Boy!" 

"What the hell?!" the boy yelled at the driver in response. "Am I passenger for this bus or am I not? Do you want me to report you to your bus company and get you fired from your job, sir? 'Cuz I can certainly do that!" The bus driver turned silent and then closed the front doors of the bus as the boy got on, taking the seat beside me. 

"That wasn't very nice, Haruto..." said another boy. Before seeing him, I thought it was just me and the boy dressed in all black aboard the bus. However, this boy appeared to be much nicer. He wore all white and gave me a pearly white smile, noticing that I was somewhat intrigued by them or whatever. "Just give the old guy a break. He's trying his very best to make a living!" 

"Shut up! It's not like you know how this world works, bitch!" the boy, whom I had assumed was named Haruto, stated. "Just because you're older than me doesn't mean that you have the right to correct me! I know what I'm doing, Mr. Guardian Angel!" 

The other boy simply let out a chuckle. "No wonder you got kicked out of Heaven..." His voice trailed off within a whisper.

"What did you just say?!" I could tell that Haruto was fuming mad. 

"Please, guys! Just stop fighting!" This time, another boy, dressed in all pink glimpsed over at the two appeared before the two other boys. Once again, I don't remember him being on the bus before. It simply felt like he appeared out of nowhere. 

"Why the fuck do you want to be involved in our so-called fight? Aren't you the angel that's always pictured in a diaper?" Haruto commented. I could tell that the boy in pink was trying his hardest not to get mad, so he sat down next to the other boy dressed in white. "Yeah, that's what I thought!" Haruto smirked.

"Sorry you had to hear all of that, Hana. Don't mind us!" the boy in all white whispered to me. Wait, how does he know my name? I swear, I've never met him before. "Oh, by the way, I'm Yoshi. The guy in all pink is Doyoung and the guy in all black... Well, you can probably guess that his name's Haruto. You're probably wondering how I know your name, right?" I nodded. "Well, I'm your guardian angel. Only you can see me and Doyoung. Haruto is visible to you because he's a fallen angel, meaning that he has lost his most prized position in Heaven because of that sharp tongue of his."

Okay... But how am I supposed to believe all of this?


Hi, guys! :3 Thank you so much for reading my story! It's kind of a short chapter right now 'cuz I'm writing this an hour before my class starts lol! And if you're from Treasure Amino, I just simply want to say thank you for checking my story out. If you're not, I'd still like to express my gratitude lol... I hope you guys will continue to read this~ It's been a while since I wrote something here on Wattpad and I'm just hoping you guys will like my work!

XOXO ❤️,


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