chapter 8

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Yoshi's POV
Fifteen minutes before Hyunsuk arrives at the Choi family's apartment, Yoshi, Doyoung and Haruto exit the apartment. Doyoung and Haruto go on ahead to the apartment next door to the Choi family's while Yoshi stays behind to make sure Hana is fine alone.

I decided to take my leave as soon as it appeared that Hana's older brother Hyunsuk would be arriving any time soon. Hana told me that he usually gets back home at around 9:30 PM at the latest from his other job. "So, will you be fine alone, Hana?" I asked of her as I sat down on the couch next to her.

Hana nodded and stated, "I'll be just fine, Yoshi. Don't worry about me!" She glimpsed back up at me and smiled. It seemed like she was happy for me to be there to keep her company even if it was just for a little portion of time. Hana is always by herself if she's not with her best friend Suah. It certainly is quite sad, but I can tell that she's trying her best to stay happy and not let the loneliness get to her.

"I'm not worried..." my voice trailed off as I glanced back up at her after having had looked down almost the whole time we had been talking. As Hana's Guardian, I should be protecting her at all costs but if I were to leave her by herself like this, would I still be able to keep her safe?

"Yoshi," Hana began again. "I know that you're my guardian angel, but sometimes... You just have to trust me. It's not like I can't protect myself. I'll just call you whenever I'm in trouble. You have my number saved to your phone right?"

"You mean this thing?" I took this tablet-looking thing out of my pocket and showed it to Hana.

"Yeah, and wow!" Hana exclaimed. "The Big Guy up above must be quite generous! Is that the newest Samsung model?"

I nodded, still confused with all this human technology stuff as it seems. "So, this thing is called a phone, right? Wait... How do I call you again?"

"Oh, that's easy!" Hana then went on to explain how to call her and other such important things that comes with owning a smartphone. "Anyways, shouldn't you be getting back to Haruto and Doyoung by now?"

"Oh! That's right! I also promised I would help buy some food for dinner tonight!"

"Oh? Then, you better get going!"

Nodding, I grabbed my coat off of the nearby hanger and headed out the door. However, just as I was heading out the door, I just so happened to bump into Hana's older brother Choi Hyunsuk. He examined from head to toe and I could tell that he was indeed wondering why I just so happened to be at his family's apartment.

"Uhh- H-Hi, you must be Hana's older brother Hyunsuk, right?" I stated, trying to not make the situation any more awkward between us.

"Yeah, and you are?" he stated back in response, unable to take his threatening glare off of me.

"Oh! Where are my manners?" Letting out a little chuckle, I put out my hand in order for a formal handshake. Disapproving, Hyunsuk refused to shake my hand. "Uh, I'm Kanemoto Yoshinori. I just moved in next door with my two friends Doyoung and Haruto. I just stopped by your apartment to introduce myself to your sister! I have no ill intentions, I swear!"

"Are you sure about that?" Hyunsuk began. Although shorter than me, he stood up on his toes in order to look at me directly. "Listen, whatever relationship you have with my sister... Just stop seeing her! She's too young for a relationship right now so don't even try to get with her!"

And with that, Hyunsuk loudly slammed the door in my face.

Hyunsuk's POV
"Hana!" I called out to my younger sister, slamming the front door behind me. "Who was that boy?" I demanded an answer from Hana. I know that I was scaring her, but my concern was quickly on the rise. "Hana, answer me!"

"He's just a friend..." Hana's voice trailed off as she got off the sofa and trudged her way into the kitchen. "Oppa, I swear that he isn't my boyfriend or is doing anything with me! Why can't you just trust me?"

"Hana, you're still..."

"Still what?" This time, I could tell that Hana was getting rather angry with me. So instead of going on and on about whoever that Yoshinori kid was, I decided to just let it go.

"Never mind, just go sleep..." My voice trailed off as I stared up at the clock above the dining room table. The hour hand struck at 11 PM and our parents were still not home. Of course they had to deal with things back at the convenience store, but they're usually back by at least nine. As Hana was walking to her room, I called out to her once more, "Wait... Did Mom and Dad call you earlier?"

"No, why?"

"They're usually home around this time, aren't they?"

"Usually they are, but maybe they're just busy with some stuff at the convenience store,"

"I hope so... Alright, you better head to bed now! I don't want you being late for school tomorrow,"

Hana slowly nodded and entered her room.

Who was that Yoshi kid though? 

... And why was he at our apartment?


I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update! I've been really busy with both work and school but I hope you guys enjoy this update despite it being pretty short!

Much Love ❤️,


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