chapter 10

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Yoshi's POV

A day later

"I can't believe Mr. Lee assigned this whole book to us to read all by tomorrow!" Junkyu complained, pouting. "Aish, I can't anymore!"

"Junkyu, you alright?" I asked of him, walking over to him from having sat down at my desk minutes earlier.

"Oh, Yoshinori!" Junkyu seemed pretty surprised to see me. He sat back up in his seat, his back straightened and staring at me directly. "No, I'm fine..." His voice trailed off and I could definitely tell that something must be bothering him. "It's just that with everything going on, I haven't been able to concentrate well, especially in Mr. Lee's class,"

"Hmm..." I began again, rubbing my chin and thinking of a way that I could help the poor boy out. "Oh, maybe I can help tutor you? I've been helping Hana, Haruto, and Doyoung with English literature homework as well..."

"Really? That's so nice of you!" Junkyu replied back with a smile. "I think I'll be fine if I just stop for a breather every once in a while. It's just umm- My dance teacher has been giving me a really hard time at dance lessons these days. He's really been a pain lately,"

"Oh? Dance lessons?"

"Yup! Don't tell anyone, but I'm a trainee under this lesser known entertainment agency called Bingo Entertainment,"


Junkyu's a trainee?

"That's cool!" I answered back with a smile. "So about the tutoring thing... Are you sure you'll be fine studying by yourself?"

"Well actually..." Junkyu began again. "Maybe I can stop by at your place every other Thursday?"

"Sure! I'll text you my address over Kakao Talk!" I took out my smartphone from my shoulder bag and asked Junkyu for his Kakao Talk ID. "koalaluv?" I stated, following a series of chuckles. "Why a koala?"

"My friends gave me that nickname... Why is it weird?"

"No, it's not weird at all..."

Hana's POV

On Thursday, Hana and the gang are at Hana's apartment. Yoshi invites Junkyu for a study session, which is completely unknown to Hana.

"You sure my brother won't know that you guys were ever here?" I asked of Yoshi, staring directly at him for affirmation. Yoshi nodded and turned to the next page in a modern rendering of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, the book Mr. Lee assigned us to finish reading by tomorrow.

"Don't worry about it, Hana!" Yoshi reassured me that everything was going to turn out just fine. "Now, can you read this paragraph right here..." He pointed to a passage near the end of the book. Reading it aloud, Yoshi turned to his left, making Haruto read the next line.

"Ugh... I don't even see why I have to be Romeo..." Haruto muttered, rolling his deep brown eyes at Yoshi. Yoshi rolled his eyes back at him in response.

"Just read your line!" Yoshi yelled, rather annoyed by Haruto's attitude. Reluctantly, Haruto read his line.

Ding dong!

Suddenly, everyone in the room was alerted by the sudden ringing of the doorbell.

Hyunsuk can't be home already, can he?

"Oh, I'll get the door!" Yoshi exclaimed as he quickly ran over to the door. Opening it, he quickly let someone inside.

Shocked, I tried hiding my face in my book, brimming with a blush pink as I noticed who it was that walked right through my front door.

What am I going to do? Junkyu's here! I'm totally not prepared for this!

"Hi, guys!" Junkyu said enthusiastically as he came and sat down in the chair between me and Haruto. "Sorry that I'm late, I was busy with practice again. My dance teacher is really giving me a hard time these days." He let out a heavy exhale then took out his book from his school bag. "So what page?"

"Umm I think page 56," Yoshi stated as he gave Junkyu a smile. He glimpsed over at me and gave me a mischievous, little wink. I felt like smacking him, but at the same time, that seems totally out of character for me.

"I don't even see why I'm reading this..." Haruto complained, putting the book aside. "I'm not even in your guys' class..."

"That's okay, Haruto," Yoshi began again. "You can go and play your video games now while Junkyu can read the lines I assigned to you,"

"Sure, whatever..." With that, Haruto took his leave and entered the room he shared with Doyoung.

Junkyu read the proper lines, but I could tell he was having difficulty trying to stay awake. I guess the dance practice session he had today was rather tiring for him. Yawning, Junkyu read his final line and rubbed his eyes out of tiredness.

"I guess we should call it a day..." said Yoshi, with a yawn following after. "Everyone seems to be super tired right now..."

Closing my book, I watched as Junkyu fell fast asleep. As Yoshi tried waking him, Junkyu barely budged. In the end, Yoshi decided to just let him sleep and covered him with a light blanket. "He must've had a long day huh, Yoshi?" I asked of Yoshi as he took the empty seat between me and Junkyu.

"It looks like his dance trainer gave him a hard time..." Yoshi began again, after releasing a deep exhale.

"Trainer?" I stated, unable to make sense of what Yoshi had meant by his statement. "What do you mean by 'trainer'?"

"Oh, I probably should tell you now huh?" Yoshi gave me a meek smile and continued, "Junkyu is a trainee under this small talent agency called Bingo Entertainment. He's been a trainee since he was around thirteen, but he still hasn't debuted yet,"

"Junkyu's a trainee?" I was certainly shocked by what Yoshi had just revealed to me. All this time, I thought Junkyu was just a normal yet popular high school student.

Why am I just finding out about this just now?


Hey, guys! Sorry for the long period of inactivity on my part! I've just been really busy with my nutrition class as well as my part-time job. Anyways, I hope you guys continue to read and comment if you can! As a writer, I really appreciate feedback from my readers. Please continue to support me and my story!

Thank you 💕,

Cath 😻

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