chapter 9

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Doyoung's POV
Flashback. Before meeting Hana for the first time, Doyoung is hesitant to sneak out of Heaven with Yoshi.

"Hyung, do you really think that this'll be a good idea?" I asked of Yoshi hyung as he prepared all of the necessary things needed for our journey to earth. "What if we get caught by the Big Guy?"

"Doyoung..." Yoshi hyung's voice trailed off as he turned to face me. "Don't worry, I have everything under control! No one will even know that we're gone!" Hesitant, I fiddled around with my fingers until it was time to enter the Portal.

The Portal is the only way angels are able to go to and from earth. However, we're technically not allowed passage unless it concerns urgent matters on the earth. As soon as we magically entered the transit bus that Yoshi hyung's Given Hana was on, we quickly approached her.

Flashback end. Present day.

"Doyoung, are you alright?" Yoshi hyung asked of me. He had just returned from being with Hana at her apartment. "Sorry that I was out so late at Hana's and left you here,"

"No, it's fine..." I stated back in response, putting my dirty dishes in the sink. Haruto had just gone to bed while I was the only one awake, waiting for Yoshi hyung to get back. "How's Hana doing?"

"Well, she's fine but I just so happened to bump into her older brother... Let's just say it got really awkward real fast," Yoshi hyung stated, grabbing a plastic water bottle from the kitchen fridge.

"Oh," I said in reply, placing some more dirty dishes
in the sink.

"Doyoung," Yoshi hyung began again. "Are you sure that you're okay?"

"Hyung, I'm fine alright!" I yelled, alarming him. "Just leave me alone..." I didn't intend to but I had just left him in the dining room all alone as I went to my room, slamming the door directly in his face. To be honest, I don't know quite why I've been acting this way lately.

Sometimes, it bothers me just how much Yoshi hyung and Haruto have gotten so close to Hana.

I've never noticed how annoyed I was until today and I certainly don't know why I get so tense whenever they're around Hana. It's as if something inside me just snaps...

"Doyoung, what is wrong with you?" I asked of myself, massaging the temples of my forehead. Staring out at the bedroom window across from me, I watched as Hana closed her curtains. With a smile, she waved at me before closing them, causing me to blush in response. Shyly, I waved back and walked over to close the window blinds.

There's definitely something wrong with me.

Junkyu's POV
A day later, at Bingo Entertainment's dance practice room. Junkyu is busy practicing with some other Bingo Entertainment male trainees for the upcoming monthly dance evaluation.

"Okay! One more time!" Our dance instructor Choi Hyunsuk stated in English. My team and I tried our hardest to focus and follow the moves once again, but since we were too tired from practicing for almost the whole day, our steps seemed to falter. "No, no! It's a slide, not a spin! See!" Hyunsuk hyung did the dance movie again, we followed, only to be off by a millisecond. "Aish! We're a week away from the monthly dance evaluation! Stop slacking and practice harder!"

"Hyung, we're trying our hardest!" One of the younger trainees Park Jeongwoo exclaimed, out of breath. "We've been practicing the whole day! We need to rest!"

"Jeongwoo, if you wanna stay here as a trainee... You gotta practice even harder. Slacking won't get you... All of you... Anywhere if you want to be on debuting team. So quit complaining and practice more!" Hyunsuk hyung appeared to be rather angry about something. Because of what, that I'd rather not know. "But fine! Since you all insist on getting a break, class dismissed! But if anyone slacks off again, I'll make sure that person stays extra after class next time!"

Rolling his dark brown eyes at us, he quickly grabbed his coat off the back of a nearby chair and headed out the door. Panting, I sat down next to the two youngest trainees in my team, Park Jeongwoo and So Junghwan. I took a sip of water from my water bottle and wiped the sweat off my brow with a face towel.

"I can't believe that hyung!" Jeongwoo yelled. "Aish, he makes my blood boil!" He drank a few sips of water, before accidentally squirting himself with the remaining water in his water bottle. Irritated, Jeongwoo threw his bottle across the room.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Junghwan asked, gently putting his hand upon the older male's shoulder. "Just calm down a little, okay?"

"How the hell can I calm down, Junghwan?" Jeongwoo began. "All Hyunsuk hyung is doing is making me irritated and causing all of us to suffer from self-confidence issues! Look, Junkyu hyung!" This time, everyone turned to face me.

Glimpsing back up at everyone, I started to speak, "Umm- Yes, Jeongwoo?"

"How long have you been a trainee here at Bingo?" Jeongwoo asked of me, waiting for a rapid answer.

"Well, I've been here since I was around fourteen..." My voice trailed off as I realized just how long I've been under this talent agency. Just thinking back on it gave me anxiety.

"And how long have you known Hyunsuk hyung?" asked a new trainee named Takumi.

I gulped.

What's with all the sudden questions?

"Well..." I began again. "Well, since we were both trainees..."

"No way! Hyunsuk hyung was a trainee here at Bingo?" Jeongwoo's eyes widen and he sat even closer to me. "Tell us more!" Intently, all the other male trainees once again turned all of their attention to me.

"I would, but we better head back to our dorms..." Slowly getting up from the floor, I watched as the rest of the trainees gave me disappointed looks. They certainly wanted to know more about my past with Hyunsuk, but it definitely was getting late and I couldn't stand being asked all of these questions.

But Hyunsuk hyung was definitely mad about something...

But why was he taking out all his anger on us?


Hello, Teumes! Thank you so much for reading and I apologize for not having updated this fanfic in so long~ I've been very busy with work lately that I just haven't found much time to update. Hopefully, I can update more soon!

Much Love,

Cath ❣️

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