chapter 4

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Hana's POV
I don't really remember how I fell in love with Junkyu. It just somehow happened. I guess you could say that originally, I was attracted to how handsome he is. Over time, my crush on him grew into something more. Maybe some would call it infatuation, but maybe I am in love with him?

But what is love anyways?

A day later. At Hyerim Arts Academy.

"Hana!" My best friend Park Suah exclaimed, running quickly towards where I was standing in one of Hyerim Arts Academy's many hallways. "Oh my god! Did you see the new boys that transferred to our school today?" Her eyes widened, noticing my expression. Of course, I know who those boys are. That's right, Yoshi, Haruto and Doyoung have all transferred to my academy as new transfer students. With Haruto already in human form, it's Yoshi and Doyoung who I think will have a hard time adapting.

"Well..." I began. I knew I had to lie to Suah. Knowing her, she would possibly ask too many questions. Either that, or she most likely won't believe me if I ever tell her the truth about the current situation I'm in. "I wouldn't say that I have,"

Suah let out a fangirl squeal as she pointed down the opposite end of the hallway. I turned to face the source of all her fangirling. As if almost in slow motion, Yoshi, Haruto and Doyoung walked down the hallway. Girls screamed these high-pitched squeals, their eyes seemingly forming hearts from all directions. It was as if the three already had their own fanclub here at Hyerim. Covering my mouth from my hand in order to prevent my laughter from slipping out, I could see Haruto make his way towards me.

Huh? Does he want to talk to me?

"Yo, Hana!" Haruto exclaimed, placing his hand on my head and roughly rubbed it. Somewhat annoyed, I firmly lifted his hand off of my head. His face painted with a sinister smirk, he simply stared at me, all smug. Haruto's taller than me, so I guess he can mess with me and my height as much as he thinks he can.

"Omo!" Suah stated, covering her mouth in shock. "Hana, do you know him?" She gave Haruto a warm smile and stuck out her hand to him for a formal handshake of some sort. Haruto, appearing to have not learned the cue, ignored Suah. "Ah," Awkwardly, Suah put her arm down. "I'm Suah by the way! Park Suah! I'm Hana's best friend..." Tucking a fly-away strand of hair behind her ear, Suah's face brimmed a bright red as she stared back up at Haruto.

"Hmm..." Haruto began again. "I can't believe a girl as plain-looking as Hana can have a friend..." He whispered under his breath, seemingly loud enough for Yoshi to hear him.

"Haru, will you quit being mean to Hana?" Yoshi said, in an almost demanding tone. "And yes, Hana can have a friend!"

Doyoung gave out a playful wink to all the other girls in the hallway and then drew all of his attention to what was going on between Haruto and Yoshi. "You know, Haru... Yoshi hyung isn't wrong. Aren't we all here to help Hana?"

Haruto rolled his eyes at the two and continued to walk down the hallway, leaving Yoshi and Doyoung with Suah and me. "Wait!" Suah exclaimed. "How do you all know Hana?"

"Oh!" Doyoung stated. "Umm... We moved into the apartment complex next door to hers a week ago. So, we kind of know her in a way..." With a nudge, Doyoung signaled Yoshi to say something.

"Ah, that's right!" Yoshi began. "We're err- Neighbors. I'm... Kanemoto Yoshinori and this is uhh- Kim Doyoung and the boy that just walked down the hall is err- Watanabe Haruto. Don't mind him though, he's a bit of a tsundere..."

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