The Forgotten Temple, A Sudden Goodbye

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"It's warm...why is it so warm and why is my bed so damn hard...wait ...!!!"The memories of last night flowed through my mind and quickly reminded me that I had just fallen onto my belly. My eyes go wide in panic and fear as I sit up quickly, ignoring the pain that flared up in places across my body, I quickly rub over my stomach praying to whatever god or goddess that was up above to let my child be alright.

"T..there is no bruising, o..oh thank goodness " The fear and panic slowly started to dissolve away and be replaced by pure curiosity as I started to take in my surrounding slowly. Huge statues of Yautja warriors stood tall and proud on either side of me, cold hard stone, smooth to the touch, sat under me leading towards a huge ancient Aztecian temple. A giant staircase made of stone descended down from the entrance of the temple and huge flames burned menacingly, nestled in large bowls which sat beside the staircase.

The whole temple looked to be carved into a hollowed-out mountain which the only light u got was from the flames or from the entrance but neither could reach the top of the cavern. A chill ran down my spine to the tips of my fingers and toes, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as the feeling of been endanger flowed over me like a wave coursing over the beach. But even though I stood there, prepared to run nothing happened, it was as if some unknown force was warning me about the unknown and unseen dangers that lurked hidden within the temple.

I stood there I don't know how long before I slowly got used to the feeling, it didn't go away but I was finally able to ignore it and be able to move. I took my gut feeling and turned around away from the temple to head straight for the entrance of the cavern...

Sunlight greeted me once I got out of the cavern, rain droplets hung from the leaves on the trees and the grass was wet with dew. The sound of nature, far livelier than what I'm used to, sounded off through the forest, just ahead of me I could make out the tell-tale signs of a deer herd grazing on the fresh grass. This wasn't my part of the forest that was for sure, I needed to get back quickly and without that creature finding me again.

"If I can retrace my steps, I can follow the river back to my cave ...maybe" Taking a deep breath I slowly start walking forward, it didn't take me long to find my tracks from last night. I followed them carefully back to the river where I picked up the last of my gear which I hadn't picked up yesterday. "Now to follow you, upstream river, let's hope you do lead me back..."

The journey back wasn't as easy as it seemed, I had tried to stick close to the river but with predators near it, I was forced to go more into the forest and only have the river in line of sight. I was lucky enough to come across from wild berry bushes that I recognized as the ones that flowered by my cave. I was lucky that the sun wasn't too hot on my skin but my clothes stuck to me like glue and the morning sickness wasn't helping either.

By the time I had gotten to the waterfall it had already been two hours of walking and my feet hurt, my body wasn't used to this amount of walking. I was once again lucky when I found a rough outline of stairs leading up to the top of the waterfall, it wasn't too rough but it wasn't easy to climb either, by the time I was up my fingers were scratched and full of mud. I took a break at the top and cleaned my hands before I drank some water.

I got back to walking once my fatigue died down. It took me only a few steps before I found the tracks from the creature leading away back into the forest. A feeling of uneasiness sat in my chest as I walk forward following them long enough until I found my own tracks which were easy considering it was the only tracks that looked human.

Finally, I was back to the part of the forest that I recognized. I started picking up speed once i was back on my little pathway, the idea of a nice cold stream bath, hot food, and a bed to sleep in encouraged me to jog back. My backpack felt heavy on my shoulders and I wanted out of my clothes soon but what I smelt froze me in my walk. A metallic scent wasted through the air and made each breath sour, I running before my brain could realize it.

Life With A Yautja Child (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon