German Winters Suck but it's Worth it if You Can Watch Your Son Kick Ass

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Miles was standing by the window of his hotel room at his desk, reviewing his case files. It was 10pm, he just finished his daily phone call with Phoenix. Apparently he had quite the wild case, not that it was unusual since it involved Wright of all people, but it still was something. A doppelganger and ties to the Cadaverini family, only he would get a case like this. From the background screaming he heard from Maya, the fake looked really funny and only had one thing in common with Phoenix, his hair. The spirit medium promised to send him a photo of the copycat, much to the defense attorney's dismay.

And just as expected, a ping from his phone indicated a notification from Maya. He looked at the photo and couldn't help laughing. Oh, oh that looks terrible. That man looks like a spiky haired carrot. How did the judge, the court, the fucking police mistake this guy for Phoenix. He was almost impressed with their idiocy. Gosh. He hasn't laughed this hard in a long time.

How interesting though, Phoenix has just wrapped up a case and he is just starting one. Tomorrow the second day for the trial of Agathe Zepower will start. Today he managed to pull a few names out of her in court in exchange for a lighter sentence but the higherups wanted more. So tomorrow they start all over as himself and the defense, Darlene Dårligt a short fiery danish woman, try to make her talk.

Zepower is a weird woman, she obviously takes pride in her work but there seems to be something very wrong with her. Where de Killer is a polite and calm individual, Zepower is rather unhinged, borderline psychotic. She seemed to be genuinely enjoying killing people and making her victims suffer. She called it art and then laughed like a maniac on the witness stand when Edgeworth presented the remains of one of her victims. Simply talking to this woman was draining him and he couldn't wait for her to go to prison.

Edgeworth looks over the case files one more time before he goes to bed. Thinking about this woman will only serve to irritate him. Besides, he has nicer things to think about, like Phoenix and Pess.


The next morning at 8am, Gregory woke up and met his son at the hotel's restaurant for breakfast. Today will be the second day of trial, it starts at 10:30am so they have a few hours to burn. He drinks his linden tea while discussing the case with Miles. He may be unable to physically help in court, but he can at least help with the information gathering. After all, he has a lot of experience with pressing difficult witnesses. In the end his son decides it would be a good idea to talk with the officer that arrested Zepower. 

After breakfast they change in more formal clothes and make their way to the precinct. There they ask for the officer at the scene, Verrat der Mitschuldige. A tall man with a military style haircut, small beady eyes and a scar across his jaw. They interview him but don't get very much, although Gregory noticed that he would get rather defensive whenever the idea of an accomplice was brought up. After leaving the precinct, he tells his son and Miles agrees that Verrat might know more than he's letting on. Hopefully they might get him to talk in court.

After this they take the car his son rented for their stay and drive to the courthouse. Gregory finds himself very grateful to be back inside the warm vehicle. German winters are a lot harsher than the ones from LA. While back home they only get an increase in rainfall, except for the mountains where it's always snowing, here the wind is bitter cold and snow is piling up everywhere. He's never been more grateful for the winter coat he received as a gift from Miles on christmas. And as Gregory is trembling from the cold on the steps to the courthouse, his son is completely by the low temperatures. Although he has to guess, living most of your childhood in this climate does make you mostly immune.

He parts ways with his son as he makes his way to the gallery to watch. Due to this being an international case, the proceedings are in english, which means Gregory can actually follow. His son and the defense enter the courtroom and the prosecution gives its opening statement. The veteran defense attorney watches with pride as his son works nicely with the defense to bring out the truth. It truly is amazing to watch his child in the courtroom. He wonders if this is how Miles felt when it was himself down there.

They call the defendant to the stand and she takes her place with a small smirk on her face. Agathe is a very tall woman, almost 2m tall, with long platinum blonde hair cascading down her back, she's wearing a long black velvet dress and a just as long black trench coat with silver decals. On her head she has a huge black hat with white feathers and she wears blood red lipstick. She's the picture of elegance, however he's not fooled, he'd seen her yesterday in court. Laughing at her crimes like they were mere funny stories. 

(A\N: 2m=6.56 ft)

The prosecution and defense work together and press Zepower for information. His son brings forth the crime photo of the Romanian vice-president and tries to get the assasin to tell them who her client was. After a bit of back and forth with the defendant, Miles calls der Mitschuldige to the stand to testify.

For the most part, the officer pleads to not knowing anything, however his testimony has many holes that both Miles and miss Dårligt catch onto. They slowly but surely draw out more and more information out of the man. Eventually the man breaks down on stand as he repeatedly slaps the witness stand and curses in German. He doesn't know what was being said, but from the disgusted look on the judge's face, it must not have been pretty. Der Mitschuldige admits to being Zepower's apprentice and accomplice, how he helped with her crimes across the continent and leaving undetected. However his mentor never really acknowledged him so he wanted to show her what happens when she's all on her own. He was the one that intervened with the mayor's assassination and was planning to break Zepower out of jail after she admitted he was just as crucial to the operation.

After the officers admission, Agathe broke into another one of her crazed laughs. She called her apprentice a fool, as she had never cared for him, he was only but a tool for her assassinations. Her laughter rang across the courtroom as she admitted to knowing of his plan all along, and doing this to remind him how worthless he truly was. In her own words " -I made you, so I'm dragging you to hell with me, Vicky! No matter what happens, you'll never surpass me, espèce de rat stupide!" After this Zepower took the stand and admitted to all of the murders, as well as giving the names of all of her clients. No sense in keeping quiet anymore as she had achieved what she wanted, getting der Mitschuldige to admit to being an accomplice.

The judge gave the guilty verdict and Gregory sighed in relief as the crazy woman was taken away in handcuffs.

(A\N: Verrat der Mitschuldige literally means treason of the accomplices Verrat(betrayal) der Mitschuldige(the accomplice) 

"Espèce de rat stupide" means you stupid rat.

According to google translate at least...)

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