Chapter 2 - 'No Bullshit' Approach

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Sorry for the long wait for those of you who were waiting. Hope you enjoy this next chapter. Remember to vote!! :)

Chapter 2 - 'No Bullshit' Approach

The only repone I got was a frown, so naturally I repeated the question.

“Are or are you not having an affair on me?” I demanded again. He repositioned himself in his seat, and looked me right in the eyes. God his eyes are cute, so blue, didn't even think I would go for blue eyes to be perfectly honest.

I saw my subconscious melt in her seat. ‘No! I won’t allow it’, I thought to myself. I was not going to let him off the hook with this question. Not this time.


I had to think fast as I knew I was going to lose control of this situation unless I thought of something decent to say. Something that he wouldn’t be expecting. Something that would throw him off balance.

I leant forward so that I was lower and closer to his face, “Look, we both know you did something. I can see it in those damn eyes of yours." I paused, watching him closley, his rigid posture, tongue slipping out to moisten his lips. "Might as well have a moment of honesty, no?!" Matt opened his mouth as if to say something so I waited, only to be surrounded my the sound of our breathing. "I met this guy a while ago," I started, "He was intelligent, knew what he was talking about, the conversation just kept flowing." Still, his expression hadn't changed so I whizzed through my brain looking for something a penis holder might react to, "And he was hench, so hench, Matt, you could practically see his twelve pack through his tight t-shirt." I lent back, putting my hands up as if in defence, "Yup, I said it, twelve pack. Not a beginners four, not six, not even eight. A freakin twelve pack. Have you ever seen that before Matt, hmm?“ By now I was simply on a roll, the real bad ass me was coming out, and God have I missed her. Matt's expression had finally changed to one of those where the brows furrow inwards. On him it looked kind of wierd, not even adorable or scary, just wierd. "I’ve not only kissed that guy, but I’ve slept with him as well.” Matt’s eyes turned into slits; I even caught his hand clench. “He was A-MAZING,” I smirked, but the thing was I did sleep with a guy, and it's not what you think before you start throwing a fit; I just slept in the same bed as one of my friends cause he locked himself out of his house, and the thing he was amazing at was cooking. The meal we shared was 'A-MAZING'.

Ha! In your face you mother f**k**. Damn that felt good. My inner goddess jumped up with happiness, doing sexy burlesque moves along an expensive looking table. 

“Oh, and BTW - that means ‘by the way’ - when I get back, I want you and your ugly ass charity shop duffel bag out. Plus, just in case you didn’t notice, your bitches panties are under my pillow. She probably left them there after your manky shag session,” I said all of this whilst lacing my new burgundy coloured converse. “Hope you had fun,” I added before shutting the door behind me.

I walked right through our building and took the stairs instead of the lift. The exit was only a floor lower, but I wanted to enjoy the cooling breeze that soothed my heated face while getting there. It was still light out, but there was a crisp breeze in the air. I guess it really was winter, even if it hadn’t snowed yet. I thanked my automated common sense that I took my navy scarf and light green coat.

I started to walk down the road, not actually knowing my destination, but I allowed my body to take me to wherever it was heading.


I haven’t yet been around much of France, can you imagine. It’s been hectic ever since I set foot off the plane. Nearly 6 months, and the only places I’ve been are Amelia’s hotel in Monte Carlo, my apartment, my office, my manufacturing warehouse, to the beach, but I barley got a glimpse of that, it was for a business meeting... I should’ve known Matt wasn’t ‘the one’. One would expect their long-term boyfriend to take them places. Places that would take their breath away, and to conclude the trip, spend the night having wild, passionate sex. But no, oh no. That never, ever,  happened with Matt. Uh, uh. The closest I can think of a nice ‘outing’ - nothing more - is when we were still in New York. 

He had taken me for a midnight stroll in central park; but unfortunately it started to rain. So guess where he took me instead... He practically copied Ross and Rachel on their first date, from Friends. He took me to a museum that had a activated-fake ship in it. Much like the one in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich that my cousin took me too in London. 

It was a nice gesture, I guess. But even me loving the museum and what was found within it and around it, couldn’t hide the fact that I sensed Matt was  hiding something. I debated whether to ask him about it, but decided otherwise. Ah, the times when I was naive and thought he’d come out with it in his own time.

I suddenly noticed that I was no longer walking. I had to blink a few times before my brain actually deduced where I was.

For some strange reason I was standing outside Amelia’s hotel. “How the hell did I get here?” I muttered under my breath, looking around.

I took a step forward, deciding my best friend should be the first to find out about my sudden ‘no bullshit’ approach to life. Knowing my luck, on my next step my face came  into contact with a rather large back. “Ow,” was all I could get out before I realised who it was...

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