Chapter 6 - The Meeting

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Chapter 6 - The Meeting

I lay awake, just staring at the ceiling. The clock shows 7:45. I can't seem to get back to sleep. Meaning that I can't seem to stop thinking about Matt.

I know it sounds so cliche when you say that you feel empty after a break up; but I really do. I'm just too used to having him around at home, and even though I'm currently at Amelia's, I expect him to be in the kitchen - brewing some fresh coffee and heating up croissants...


'Mmm, coffee...' I thought, 'I could really do with some. And where did the thought of croissant come from? Matt can't even cook - how sad - let alone heat croissants!' I sniffed the air, and noticed that there was actually a sweet bread smell. So I decided to investigate.

When I got into the kitchen I saw a full plate of chocolate and cream covered pancakes, fresh Belgium waffles, the croissants and the most colourful fruit salad I had ever seen. My mouth started to water with approval.

I looked around subconsciously, and also looking for the person who had actually made this morning feast...

That's when Amelia appeared in the door way, stretching and yawning at the same time. Once she caught site of the banquet, her eyes literally lit up and she skipped over to the table, popping a grape into her mouth.

"Gwad mohrrning," she murmured with a smile full of purple grapes. 'Ergh, so not attractive'. I just laughed and shook my head at her.

"I think you mean good morning," I observed sweetly, "So, seeing as you only just got out of your bed, who made all these goodies?" I asked, pointing at the succulent items upon the wide surface.

Amelia grinned again and bit her lip - twirling her hair in the process. I frowned, and she pointed to something she was looking at behind me.

As I turned around, I heard a low chuckle. 'Hmm'. My eyes suddenly came upon a very tall, handsome man... With hazel-green eyes and amazing facial features - scrap that, his facial features were perfect!

That's when I realised I was staring. 'Damn' I berated myself. He chuckled again as I slowly turned around - head tilted in awe - back to face Amelia with bulging eyes.

She just shrugged and winked at the divine being behind moi. "That would be me," said a deep voice filled with humor. I turned back around and saw that he had his hand drawn out to shake. "Joshua."


"So you work in Management Consulting and a part time archaeologist?! " I asked across the coffee table. We were now all seated on a couch or armchair, and we were all dressed. I was wearing navy blue, ripped skinny jeans and an off the shoulder grey top, with a camisole underneath - seeing as the top was 3/4. 'Haha, I haven't worn a cool top like this in... Well, a long time'. Amelia had also changed into jeans, but hers were more metallic in colour, accompanied by a white T-shirt that said "If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen". 'WOW! How appropriate!'

(On the side -->)

"Yes I do. It's very demanding in terms of the challenges that are thrown at you, but I really enjoy it. It means that I will learn something new everyday." Joshua replied smiling at me and then at Amelia.

"Hmm, how comes you know how to cook. I mean, that sounded boring, let me re-phrase that," I cleared my throat, " How did you learn to cook so amazingly; I hardly ever come across... People who know how to cook as superbly as you have shown." I mentally rebuke myself for nearly making a sentence along the lines of, 'How is it that you are so talented in the kitchen?' Gosh, could I be any more dirty minded?!

"Well actually, my cousin is the one who taught me. We used to spend a lot of the time in the kitchen together when we were younger. And seeing as our baby sitter wasn't to the highest standard at the time, we decided to take advantage of the best place in the house - that is apart from the games room of course!" we all laughed at this.

Joshua was really nice. He seemed kind and caring, and not attention seeking what so ever, which I approved of, obviously.

"The funny thing is, my cousin is two years younger than me," he paused, as if thinking carefully of what to say next, "His grandparents had spent a lot of time pampering him with the luxuries they made, and in the end they taught him some of their - and his - favourite dishes and patisseries/desserts." He paused again, this time taking a sip of his Italian coffee. 'How ironic when he is in France' I smiled to myself. "He was so eager to continue cooking at home; he had hoped that his parents - at least his mother," he flinched slightly, almost unnoticeably, "Would spend time baking with him, but they were always busy or told him it was a waste of time. Now, to blow of steam he-" Joshua started to laugh, his shoulders beginning to shake due to how hard he was laughing. I looked at Amelia, and she had a hand over her mouth stifling a giggle. I did the same, as the sudden need to join the random giggling session came over me.

I think about two minutes passed until Joshua was able to speak again. He was still clutching his stomach and had to hold onto the back of the sofa. But I just think that was a way of getting closer to where Amelia was seated. 'Haha'. I think she noticed because she winked at me. 'LOL'

"To blow of steam," Joshua repeated, "He cooks, bakes, creates delicious dishes. But the sad part is that he only gives specific people his creations, if not taking it all for himself - the greedy bastard!" he pouted to at this realisation, and that's when I burst out fully laughing - Amelia not a second later. I couldn't take it anymore. This man was hilarious, and as was his cousin from what I could tell.

"That is one hell of a way to blow of steam. And very productive, if I may say so myself!"

"He might want to keep that quiet for the woman he's with, in case she gets jealous!" Amelia chipped in. I doubled over on the sofa. Laughing until my sides hurt.

"STOP! Please stop, I can't take all this laughing," I gushed between heavy breaths, "It hurts!" I looked up and noticed a spark in Amelia's eyes. My eyes widened as I realised what she was about to do. "NO!" I screamed as she pounced on me. "AHHHH!!!" She was tickling me. Prodding in all the right places to make me double over once more. "Oh my God, no more PERRLEAASEE!!!"

Amelia just laughed, "Karma's a bitch, huh Scar?!"

"W- Whattchu talkin bout?" I spluttered.

"Remember last week, when you 'accidentally' made me open the door to the closet, with the outcome of getting me drenched in... Not water... Oh no! In Orange juice. Bloody orange juice!" She added, tickling me further.

"Joshua do something!" I pleaded. "Control you girlfriend man. Get her off me!!!! AHHHH!"

After an agonizing wait of about two and a half minutes, I felt weight being lifted off me. I was completely and utterly out of breath; which I think I stated out loud as I could hear deep throated snickering. I turned my head towards the source and found Joshua standing with his arms folded and one hand bald into a fist against his mouth. 'Holding back laughter I presume' my subconscious stated, glaring, and I did the same.

"You better stop laughing unless you want to join our karma tricks," I smirked evilly as his hand dropped and he composed himself once more. "Hmm, that's what I thought." I stated flicking my hair, "I'm going to freshen up, and I expect their to be a ravishing Belgium waffle on my plate when I get back." I walked out to the bathroom, but not before popping my head back into the room, "Thanks" I called, waving my hand and extending the 's', sarcasm dripping from my saccharin toned voice.

Thnx guys. You know what to do!!



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