Chapter 7 - Getting Ready

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Dedicated to this awesome girrl!!!

Enjoy. Next chapter shouldn't be too far behind <3

Chapter 7 - Getting Ready

"Please, please, please come!" Amelia pleaded, pulling on my arm like a little child. 

"Is this really necessary," I pointed at my stranded arm, "You're going to stretch my sleeve... And arm." Amelia stopped pulling, and looked at me with stern eyes. 


"If you don't come with us, I swear I will embarrass you whenever we go out together," she threatened with certainty in her voice. 

"Who said anything about me leaving in the first place?" I threw back at her. 

"UGH! You're unbelievable," she complained, "This'll do you good. Come on, you even put out that whole 'New independence' speech that nearly bored me to death, and now you're just going to do the exact opposite to your new found resolution?!" I grunted, itching my way to the bathroom. "It's nearly the end of the year anyway," I gave her my 'do I look stupid look'. "Give it till the end, at the start of next year you can do whatever you want - a new resolution and all!" she rushed out. 

"You know I don't do resolutions, and this isn't one either. It's a promise, a way of life." 

"Ha! So you do remember. Sooo, you are definitely coming with us then." What she just said, sounded more like a statement than a question. 

"Fine, I guess you're right... Jeez a ball of all things. Who came up with this dumb ass idea? Don't they see it just makes loner people - like myself - all the more lonely?!" I stated, rubbing at my forearm that was previously caught in a death grip, "Especially when they have no one to go with." 

"Aww, don't worry, you'll find your man... Eventually," I gave her another look and she quickly tried to save herself, "I would've asked Bo- Mascaro's cousin, but he's got that whore by his side 24/7. So yeah," she shrugged, "That was obviously a dead end. But I'm sure Bonny M and I can introduce you to a few people." I groaned, then realised what she had just said. 

"Bonny M?" I laughed. She blushed, reaching out to grab the cream from my cosmetic bag - she had sent for her driver to pick up some stuff for me earlier on. 

"Well, he needed some kind of special nickname... And you know how I luuuurv Bonny M!" 

"I sure do, but 'special nickname' does not cut if for me. What's the real reason?" 

"I was getting a bit bored, and annoyed with calling him by his surname. It's not one of those that really go well in calling you that all the time." She paused, replacing the cream with her hair brush, "For example, a surname like 'Blake' would go better because it sounds more suited to everyday... And it's also a first name, soo..." 

"Yeah, yeah, I get you. Wow, I never thought I'd hear you speak for so long about surnames... Well, unless they were some sexy ass actor; but then again, what do you need them for when you've got the real deal?!" I poked her. She laughed. 

"You're right. He is magnificent, isn't he!" She chirped, mimicking one of the characters from Mary Poppins.

If you haven't gathered yet, we were preparing for the annual Christmas Ball. Amelia's father and some of his acquaintances had planned it for quite some time now, and it was finally taking place.

Before all the crap that happened with Matt, I had really been looking forward to it; but after the break up... Well, actually since our relationship began to go down hill, I had forgotten all about this grand ball. All my problems and work were pilling on top of me; occupying my mind at all times of the day.

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